Recent content by MoreSpaceEcho

  1. MoreSpaceEcho

    Neck Profile Sample Chunks.

    +1 Can't stand the "hide the new guitar from the wife" thing. Guitar culture is soooo overwhelmingly dudely already, stuff like that just makes it worse. While I'm at it: dudes referring to their guitars as "she". Yuck, no, never.
  2. MoreSpaceEcho

    Beginner friendly build?

    Also, just to be clear: I'm definitely NOT saying that any old DIY'er can do a fancy dye job with a glossy finish that's gonna look anywhere close to what you'd get from Warmoth. I certainly can not! I couldn't even make red on flame maple look good (that guitar ended up, you guessed it, black)...
  3. MoreSpaceEcho

    Beginner friendly build?

    I see the OP decided to go with a finished body, but for other n00bs reading, IMO/E if you can stain a piece of wood, you can totally do the finish yourself. I wouldn't attempt a painted finish myself, I really don't think I could make that look acceptably good, but dyeing/staining is fun...
  4. MoreSpaceEcho

    Strat Vs Tele Comfort

    I can't play a standard tele for more than a couple minutes, I need the contours, especially the forearm one. I took an angle grinder to my real tele and contoured it, which ruined any resale value but made it infinitely more comfortable. For me, a strat, soloist, or contoured tele are...
  5. MoreSpaceEcho

    Z Body Dream Build

    Yeah the tops on both of those look great. Really nice work.
  6. MoreSpaceEcho

    Drilling through a W finish

    Forgive me a stupid n00b question: If I want the control knobs in my own special, perfect place, it's no big deal to drill holes through an unfinished body, right? No finish to mess up, I can just drill a dang hole, like one does? Follow up: does it matter if I use a paddle bit like the pic...
  7. MoreSpaceEcho

    New video: How to install Copper Foil

    Foil was completely unharmed and is resting comfortably.
  8. MoreSpaceEcho

    New video: How to install Copper Foil

    Aaron's not kidding about that stuff being sharp. I put together a soloist over the weekend, my 8th build, so I'm not a total beginner, and even after watching the video and being careful I still managed to cut myself. Fortunately the cut is on my fretting hand index finger, don't use that one...
  9. MoreSpaceEcho

    Website Bugs and Feature Requests

    Can we not get a chambered soloist? I swear it used to be an option.
  10. MoreSpaceEcho

    First Build—Space Cowboy (Musiclander with Tele pups)

    Big fan of the Musiclander, I've built two. I bet the tele pickups/bridge will look great on that body shape. Can't go wrong with those locking hipshot tuners, and I agree, those knobs look great. Look forward to seeing this thing!
  11. MoreSpaceEcho

    I rarely use the word "amazing"

    I'd like a Shell Pink strat to go with them! And a Sonic Blue strat to go with the pink one. And then of course I'm going to need a Seafoam Green one... As an aside, I told my wife (owner of 2 strats herself), when we eventually move to a new house we're painting all the rooms classic Fender...
  12. MoreSpaceEcho

    I rarely use the word "amazing"

    I wish! There's some Fenders and Charvels in the rack in back. For me Warmoth's default standard thin, 10-16 neck is a perfect middle ground between those two. 6 Warmoths: 2 strats, teles and musiclanders. Apparently I like the buddy system. There's a soloist in progress and that's going to...
  13. MoreSpaceEcho

    I rarely use the word "amazing"

    Hi. First post. Just wanted to say I've rarely encountered anything that's impressed me as much as the quality of Warmoth's necks and bodies. I'm a newb to partscasters, with a rudimentary set of tools, and I can put these together no problem, do a basic setup and they play just great. I built...