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  1. Kublai

    Free to Good Home. Gibson 57 Classics

    I have been parting out a few old builds lately. I have a set of these mounted in a strat pickguard. Can be seen in this old thread: Fantastic sound IMO. All of the stickers/writing that could ID these as Gibson 57's has worn off, so I...
  2. Kublai

    Nut Glue

    What nut glue do you use?
  3. Kublai

    Push-Push Neck On Diagram

    So, I have 3 single coils, 1 tone, and 1 volume. I want the volume push-push to turn on the neck pup, no matter what position the blade switch is in. I can't seem to find the proper diagram, or maybe I have looked at it without realizing it was the one I need. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Kublai

    My Fav

    This one is from Warmoth's first ever sale, was that 2009? Anyway, it is my desert island guitar because it plays and sounds great. It just seems to do everything well. Black korina body. Rosewood on wenge neck, MOP face dots, 59 roundback contour. Bareknuckle Mule pups.
  5. Kublai


    Here is another oldie that I am just now getting around to posting. Flame maple on alder body. It was in the Screamin Deals, and couldn't be passed up. Goncalo on goncalo neck, 59 roundback contour. Gibson Classic '57 pups.
  6. Kublai

    Old Friend

    So, this is my oldest Warmoth, I believe from 2005, although the neck and pups were replaced in 2010. Korina on korina body. Pau Ferro on mahogany neck, boat contour. Bareknuckle Mule pups.
  7. Kublai


    I am jazzed about my Jazz! (Do the kids still use that term?) Poplar body, several years old. This had a different neck on it until a few days ago. Rosewood on maple neck with abalone face dots. Kinman Woodstock pups. Plate by DangerousR6  :headbang:  Those aren't scratches on the plate. It is...
  8. Kublai

    Hanging Guitars

    I want to hang my guitars from an overhead I-beam in my basement. I don't want to drill any holes in the I-beam. I imagine it will require some sort of hanger attached to some sort of beam clamp. Any ideas?
  9. Kublai

    Amp Speaker Recommendation

    What speaker should I get for low wattage (5-20W) amp heads. I can't get loud where I live. The cabs I am looking at have either the Celestion V30, or the Celestion Alnico Blue. The Blue costs quite a lot more, but I am ok with that if it is the better choice.
  10. Kublai


    Anybody know much about Toronto? Where the party neighborhoods are? Decent place to stay for a couple of days? Any must-see spots? I am going with an old friend on a "Rush" pilgrimage. So, any Rush related landmarks would be good. I already have a short list of some places. YYZ, Orbit Room...
  11. Kublai

    MIDI Noob

    I will soon be purchasing software and audio interface so I can do some recording on my PC. I have NO experience with MIDI, but I do want to have the capability to use it. The audio interface that I (think) I want to use for recording guitar is not MIDI capable. Can I still have MIDI capability...
  12. Kublai

    Kinmans on sale

    25% off at the moment.
  13. Kublai

    Hardtail Strat and Nut Width

    I can't find the threads now, but I seem to recall reading two different answers. The Vintage Style Strat Flatmount Bridge has a wide string spread. I know RLW used 1-11/16, but it seems that I recall a post by Gregg that said 1-5/8 nut is better. Anyone know for certain? EDIT I do recall that...
  14. Kublai

    Neck Issues

    I have something going on with a neck...I think. Not sure how to describe it though, and I am not much of a tech, so that doesn't help. I am getting a buzz on the low E fretted and open, and to a lesser extent on the A. It sounds like more of a rattle, though, than fret buzz. And it passes...
  15. Kublai

    BKP Mules

    Anyone tried them? If so, how do they compare to Gibson 57's? Also, I read great reviews about Rio Texas/BBQ set. How do they compare to the Gibsons?
  16. Kublai

    My Third and Favorite

    Let's see if I can figure out how to get a pic on here. Anyway, this is my third Warmoth, and maybe my last, because I don't think I can ever get better than this one. Black Korina VIP, tobacco burst with natural binding. The finish is flawless. Tone Pros Wrap-around bridge. Seymour Duncan...