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    Gecko Wood/Combo question

    Hello do any of you Gecko builders out there have experience with a Swamp Ash Body and Maple neck combo? I love the idea of lightweight swamp ash but does anybody with this combo feel that the neck is too heavy for the body and creates and unbalanced mix? Thanks! John
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    Anybody have experience with Nordstrand Bass Big Singles/Big Splits?

    Hola Amigos! I'm planning my next Gecko Build and I've used EMG DC's for my basses but i'm thinking of giving the Nordstrand Big Singles or Big Splits ( Hum canceling version ) a day in court. Looking for a pretty meaty, articulate tone, which the 35" scale gecko should certainly facilitate. Any...
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    My Gargoyles...

    Been needing to do this for awhile..I've built a few warmoth basses but these are the ones in steady rotation...hope ya like em!
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    5 string version of the Dinky P bass body!

    Love the Dinky P and the Dinky P carved top...only comes in a four string option though. I personally would love to see the 5 string variation!!
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    Body Wood Opinion

    Hey folks, gonna build a Gecko bass for a hard rock project. Does anybody have any experience with Hard Maple as a bass body? I'm coming from playing warwicks so I don't mind the heavy weight basses. Any pro's or cons soundwise with Hard Maple? i'm need a bass that will be very articulate and...