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  1. OffSetSmith

    Razorback Silverburst

    Hello all. I recently finished about a year long project for a friend of mine... It took so long because I had to do many things with this project that I've never done before and didn't want to screw up his very expensive Warmoth parts.
  2. OffSetSmith

    Case options for Warmoth Diamondback

    After doing a little googling and searching around this forum I couldn't find a clear recommendation for a case to fit a Diamondback. The obvious place to start would seem to be to get a ESP Viper case, but that might not be the best option. I recently tried an SKB 1SKB-61 case meant to fit both...
  3. OffSetSmith

    Vintage Construction 24" scale necks (Jag, Mustang, etc.)

    I would love this option. Thanks!
  4. OffSetSmith

    Long time Warmoth customer saying Hi!

    Hi everyone. I have been a Warmoth customer for about 10 years now. I've ordered 6 necks and 1 body so far. I mostly make my own bodies, but have never cared to attempted to build a neck, I leave that to the pros. Anyway, I follow Warmoth on Facebook and youTube and always hear about the forum...