Search results

  1. I

    EBay Flying V - $620 for SS Frets?

    Yep.  Either he's lying, or he got screwed.  That said, there's a reputable repair shop in Minneapolis that charges between $475 and $550 for a stainless steel refret. 
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    Warmoth Richenbacker Offerings ?

    Rickenbacker is one of the most uptight companies when it comes to protecting their copyrights.  Due to many of their practices, I don't have much respect for them as a company, even though I love the classic 4001 (and later 4003) basses.  They will go after anyone and everyone who even thinks...
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    The "if only" thread

    Have you ever seen a piece in the Showcase that you would totally buy in a heartbeat if it wasn't for one little detail you can't stand? I present to you Exibit A:
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    Can Warmoth Please Start Carrying This Bridge?

    I think that string-thru-body holes are sufficient, although it totally sucks what happened to Chris_Lohman's mockingbird body.  If you're going to pay a lot of money for a body, it sucks that it has errant holes that had to be plugged, regardless whether or not the new bridge covers them up...
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    Budget sunburst hardtail is done with pics!

    I love the look!  Very classy and understated.  Just curious, what denotes "budget" when it comes to a Warmoth build?
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    My second-hand Warmoth SG bass

    Well, I've got the thing in pieces now, so unfortunately no sound clips.  :sad1: Overall, the sound was pretty basic (pardon the semi-pun).  I wouldn't call it Music-Man like at all, although the bridge pickup did have a nice amount of growl and upper midrange to it. 
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    My second-hand Warmoth SG bass

    The cat is not for sale.  :icon_tongue: I don't know about the bass.  I might keep it or I might not.  If I sell, it will probably be parted out on eBay.
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    les paul with 24 frets...

    I wonder how that would work.  Reaching the 22nd fret on a normal Les Paul can be a bit of a challenge if you're used to double cutaway superstrat style guitars.  I can't imagine the extra stretch for the 24th with a single cutaway LP body.
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    LP bodies prices insane?

    Quality wood is expensive.  As global demand increases and supply decreases, the prices will only escalate further.  At least guitars don't use tremendous amounts of copper.  That stuff has increased tenfold over the past decade.  It's worth so much that people steal it just to scrap it. ...
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    My second-hand Warmoth SG bass

    I bought this after finding it on MusicGoRound's website.  Overall, it's not a bad bass.  It needs some tweaking, but you can tell that Warmoth makes quality parts.  Specifications: Birdseye maple neck with ebony fretboard 6150 frets, Corian nut Black Gotoh GB7 tuners, black Gotoh 201...
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    22 vs. 24

    It's personal preference.  I don't think neck pickup tone suffers that much from just a little bit of a move towards the bridge, but others feel different.  I have a friend who is a phenomenal shredder, and he wouldn't be without his 24 frets.  Then again, a lot of players who stay predominantly...
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    real 24 fret neck

    Thanks for the info.  I'd imagine that when your shop is just trying to keep up with demand for existing product, it doesn't make sense to pull someone out to do speculative R&D.  Besides, doing a 24 fret neck like modern Ibanez designs would require completely abandoning the current Fender...
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    Ebonol fingerboards

    That's why I like it.  It's jet black, moreso than most Gaboon Ebony, and completely devoid of grain lines.  It's also incredibly slick - there's no wood like it at all.  I'd actually want it for regular fretted necks, as I'm not a fretless player.  Of course, there is another solution to...
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    Ebonol fingerboards

    I love the feel of ebonol - there's really nothing else quite like it.  It might be more affordable than ebony due to it's synthetic nature, but it's not just cheap plastic.  Here's the  Wikipedia, entry on ebonol: Ebonol is an artificial material similar to ebony (Diospyros crassiflora), a...
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    Ebonol fingerboards

    I know this might go against the grain of many "real" wood enthusiasts, but I think Warmoth should offer ebonol fretboards.  The material is great stuff, and I've heard from other luthiers that it works a lot like real ebony.  It doesn't cost too much, and has a slick feel not found in most...
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    Pricings, and why?

    I'll get some Minwax one-step gel stain and give you your $20 finish.  :icon_biggrin:
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    Fantasy Builds

    I think this one is pretty much doable... it's just a matter of funds. I want a Warmoth SG style guitar, with some interesting changes Warmoth SG body in alder, standard SG routes (two humbuckers, vol/tone/vol/tone, switch, face jack), finished in a deep red stain and either oil or light...
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    Floyd Rose -- Differences?...

    I'm a big fan of the Ibanez Lo Pro Edge, if you can find one.  They stopped making them five or six years ago, unfortunately.  I don't know if they fit in a regular Floyd route though.
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    Will a Warmoth Deluxe V neck fit one of these Squiers?

    I wonder just how many non-Deluxe V bodies the Warmoth Deluxe V will fit.  I know that some folks have put Warmoth necks on SX basses before (with modifications) and that pretty much anything can be done with some sanding, but I'm looking for something that will be at least somewhat close to a...
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    More Deluxe V body styles

    I would like to see a wider selection of bass body styles for the Deluxe V.  Four string basses have a nice variety to choose from, but five stringers are restricted to the jazz/precision/51precision/G5 styles.  It would be awesome to have a Thunderbird style 5-string, SG, etc.  There is a guy...