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    30 Scale option for ALL Guitar Necks Please everybody vote

    I have wondered if Fender strings would fit if you used a Bigsby B5 tremolo.  Get the bridge routing but not the tremolo routing.    The Ernie Ball strings would likely fit with a standard Fender bridge.  Although I really want a hard tail, a TOM with Stop or a TOM and body through strings. ...
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    30 Scale option for ALL Guitar Necks Please everybody vote

    The low E and  A have to taper to fit the guitar string sized holes in the tuning pegs and the taper on the Fender strings starts too late (2 inches is too much to wind around the peg). William J. Nelson
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    30 Scale option for ALL Guitar Necks Please everybody vote

    For people who like the Fender Bass IV in concept, but want something a little different, more options then the standard bass six body/neck would be nice.  I would love to have a 30" LP carved top.  Or something to compete more with the Music Man Silhouette Bass. One of the issues is changing...
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    5-way switch/coil tapping

    You could use a super switch:,_pickups/Components:_Switches_and_knobs/Super_Switch.html It is a rotary switch turned on its side with a control lever.
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    AAAARRRRRGH! UPS banged up my neck!!!!

    As long as  we are posting UPS mistakes: One day at work, I went to the loading dock to move some packages from UPS.  I found sitting on the dock a pallet of guitar address to Wildwood Guitars, in Louisville, Colorado.  After moving the pallet out of the rain, I looked up the serial numbers on...
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    question about effects loops

    The preamp should be fine with a cable plugged into the send jack, as long as the cable does not get shorted.  For tube amps, the power amp has an output transformer to match the output impedance of the tubes to the speaker.  If no speaker is plugged in, the output transformer will build up...
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    question about effects loops

    It should work fine on most amps to plug you POD into the return on the amps effects loop.  Dependeing on your amp, you may need to plug a cable into the send side of the effects loop to switch off the signal from you preamp. 
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    Fret choice

    It looks like that neck may have been worked on, wood/binding seems to have been removed.  If so the frets may have also been replaced/re-crowned. Regardless of prior work, I would use calipers to measure the frets.  If you needs calipers Harbor Freight has good calipers for less the $20.  You...
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    Soldering AAARRRGHGHGH!!

    From my experience: Most pots need some cleaning to solder to them.  The most important thing is that you are soldering a clean surface.  Sanding/scuffing the area you are soldering is usually enough, flux will also help burn off impurities/oxidation so using flux will also help.  NOTE: Never...
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    My name is Bill Nelson, I am 31 and live in Denver, Colorado. For my day job I work as a test tech at Cable Television Laboratories.  For a hobby I build and fix guitars and guitar amps.
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    fender no load pot carries CTS no load linear 250k, 500k and 1M pots.  I am not sure if anyone sells them in an audio taper and you will want an audio taper for a volume control.  CTS will sell you custom orders in a lots of 1000, so some small company like Has-Sound may have them. 
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    Passive clipping (like Stewert Mac's Black Ice)

    It did work with one diode.  I now have a switch to go from one diode to two diodes.  One Diode should create even order harmonics, 2 diodes should create odd order harmonics.  I wanted the ability to switch between them.  After a hours of looking at spectrum analysis for the output, and...
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    Passive clipping (like Stewert Mac's Black Ice)

    I have started running some spectrum analysis on output with different settings.  It does look like the tone control does have some effect on the sound, but the effects are not highly noticeable audibly.   I will post sound files and graphs when I get them cleaned up.  For my next project I...
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    Passive clipping (like Stewert Mac's Black Ice)

    Depending on the output of the pickups I would agree that a smaller pot would give more control (but would do nothing to make the tone control work with the clipping).  I started with a 500k pot, because I had one lying around.  I was sure that 500k was too big, it was functional for about 1/8...
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    Passive clipping (like Stewert Mac's Black Ice)

    I wired the guitar so the output goes to the volume control pot.  From the input lug on the volume pot I go to a switch so I can turn on and off the diodes.  The I connected from the input lug on the switch to the input on the tone.  Setting the tone control for maximum effect, all the...
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    Passive clipping (like Stewert Mac's Black Ice)

    When building my new Strat I decided to try a passive clipping circuit.  I looked at products like the Black Ice Overdrive (from Stewart Mac) and the Dirty Rice (  I found some information on the web but not much, so here is what I learned and a few sound clips.      So what is a...
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    Baritone Pickups

    A humbucker pickup will work with a baritone tuning, but you may want to look at the how much bass the pickup is designed for.  Some pickups may work better then others.  I have seen baritones with Duncan Distortions, Duncan JB / ‘59 combos and EMG 81/85 sets from companies like ESP and...
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    emg pickups

    From EMGs FAQ: "Yes. If you've got room for multiple batteries in your guitar, you can use two batteries wired in series to power your onboard circuitry at 18 volts. The output level will not appreciably increase, but you'll have increased headroom and crisper transients. This is especially...
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    emg pickups

    All EMG pickups will work with one, two, or three batteries.  Adding more batteries will give a stronger clean signal (good for lots of FX or a long cord) and should help push you amp into overdrive.  Most of the time only one batteries is used because you don't gain a lot from more then one...