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  1. G

    Superglue finish

    Forgive the late reply...You're right, a dust mask won't do anything, you really need a properly fitted respirator.  After all, it is glue you are breathing into your lungs.  But in reality, most hobbyists won't  go to that much trouble.  However, 3M (and others)  makes a dust mask that is...
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    Rorschach Test

    I see Lindy Fralin pickups and a Floyd. 
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    What ARE we doing wrong?

    Holy Korg Batman! 
  4. G

    Pedal cables and order

    That's an old Michael Schenker trick.  Works great for humbuckers, I've found
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    Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation

    If you are looking to jam at home with headphones, or record some tracks it is pretty darn cool.  However,  I need something a little different for live applications and I am looking my offload mine.  So if you or anyone is interested make me an offer.  Gig bag included. 
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    Fav. Tele players, tones

    Jimmy Page, who sold more Les Pauls by playing a Tele than Les Paul sold by playing a Les Paul.
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    Carnay Bloodwood Bassneck - Just out of the Box

    Your wish is my command!  Pics are in the bass gallery here: Edit:  I couldn't resist.  Here is teaser pic
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    Smoking Korina P-Bass

    I finished this a while ago, but just got the bass back so I could take some pics.  Short story is that this is my first build ever, I built this as a best man gift for my best man at my wedding.  The dude is an amazing bass player, imagine if Geddy Lee, Flea, and Steve Harris had a love child. ...
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    Neck upgrade for my Squier Strat

    I'll take the contrary view.  Why not change it?  Try something you think you might like, but might not otherwise get a chance to play.  Stainless frets, SRV contour, compound radius, etc. etc.  How are you going to know what you like if you don't play it for a while?  If you decide you don't...
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    dying swamp ash..

    I don't have a lot of experience guitar building, but in my limited experience with wood projects,  alder is a blotch prone wood.  That is to say, it doesn't take dye evenly.  Hence, it is a great candidate for a painted body  :icon_biggrin:  The cure is to use a wash coat.  Or so they say, I...
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    black korina tele deluxe, out of the box

    Woah!  That looks good. 
  13. G

    suggestions open for new project

    I believe Gilmore uses EMG pickups. 
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    Warmoth Hollow Tele - 70s vibe

    I love that guitar.  When I was kid we watched Hee-Haw every Sunday night.  I thought Buck Owen's painted acoustic was the coolest!    Sheer genius painting an electric that way. 
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    My Ibanez RG7620 Re-paint/Rusty Cooley Mod, Complete with pics!!!

    How did you do the paint? 
  16. G

    What different types of finishes are there?

    Tonar's post should probably become a sticky or something.  It is everything summed nicely up in one post. 
  17. G

    Carnay Bloodwood Bassneck - Just out of the Box

    I'm not really sure about the weight or how it compares.  It doesn't seem particularly heavy  I want to say it was 3.5 pounds...the shipping weight was four pounds, according to the box.  Here's a couple more pics with the neck on the body. 
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    Carnay Bloodwood Bassneck - Just out of the Box

    And holy crap it looks great!  I just snapped a couple really fast pictures, but the Canary wood is unreal.  It has every color from dark red to light yellow in it.  It will look incredible finished.  And the bloodwood is very dramatic.  It kind of overshadows the body.  Again, I didn't take...
  19. G

    Too Many Forums

    Just a suggestion, I think there are too many sub-forums.  The reason why I say that is I find myself missing posts in some forums.  For example, I don't go to the wood forums much, but sometimes there are good posts there that perhaps would be better in the general discussion.  At the same time...