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  1. B

    Sanding down a fatback

    Many many years ago, I bought a fatback neck thinking that I could  reshape the neck  profile using nothing but sandpaper and eventually getting to  where I want it to be. I got the neck, and was initially pretty iffy about how it felt, but I got used to it, and never did do  anything about...
  2. B

    What was Palisander back in the 90s?

    I have a warmoth purchased back in the early 90s and it was made from "Palisander". I asked the sales dude what that meant and he said it was from Madagascar. If anybody from back then is still around who knows what the deal was, maybe you could explain what dalbergia species was being touted...
  3. B

    Broken screw head

    While installing a pickup, one of the screw heads for a pickup mounting ring broke off inside the body. Does anybody have any suggestions on what to do? The other three screws are fine, and it doesn't seem to affect the sound any, but it certainly isn't perfect.