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    Brent Mason replica

    the tele is finished.... well somewhat
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    Attack of the Rosewood Twelecaster!

    here's a pic of my new Warmoth Tele.....
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    Brent Mason replica

    more pics of my 2nd tele build, will post more photos when its finished
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    Brent Mason replica

    working on my 2nd warmoth build!
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    Dimarzio Evolution

    I bought a Dimarzio DP116 strat pickup to put in my next Warmoth Tele build, its suppose to have a 14.97 k output.... does anyone know anything about this pickup?
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    Brent Mason replica

    I didn't know Valley Arts had Warmoth building that products at one time, maybe they should have kept using them lol... The necks on the Brent's Valley Arts guitar are way to thick for my taste but every musician is different tho!
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    Brent Mason replica

    Oh yeah by the way Brent actually signed the headstock
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    Brent Mason replica

    Hey guys thanks for all the replies!  I actually know Brent personally, I met him  through a friend of mine that use to play guitar for Billy Currington. I took the guitar to Nashville one night while he was playing at Third & Lindsley, Brent liked it.  My friend Jamie Michael, former guitarist...
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    Brent Mason replica

    My replica of Brent Mason guitar with his signature on the headstock... Also a picture of me & Brent in Nashville
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    Relic Tele

      :guitarplayer2: I love this guitar, I bet it sounds awesome! Kinda reminds me of my old 52 reissue tele........ BoyNashville