they harder they try (whammy clav)



Attempts by keyboard players to be frontmen, (except for the piano soloist) always seem to result in looking way dorkier than a guitar player could ever be.
(Remember the keytar?)

I present, the Whammy Clav. Check out that whammy bar... Spell check actually tried to say whammy bat, which in this case could be accurate.


I like that!  Did that thing come with that funky bar attached from the factory?
I'm not sure if it's turn key but it appears you can get them here:

And a neat article about it here:
Figures Mr B-Bender in every guitar I own  would be into this....

It actually is very cool, but the nerd factor is undeniable.
yo that particular guy looks pretty #goofalicious (goofy + delicious) but i applaud his passion and showmanship. hes having a good time up there. anyone who doesn't think keytars and keyboards can make for a compelling and badass concert prolly dont know street cleaner.  stuff is more about the #atmosphere and #groove and driving #tasty basslines than any wankery or melodic virtuosoity but dude knows how to engage with a audience and look like a straight #baller whole doing so. It's gotta hot in that outfit, so bonus points for the commitment

most ppl here prob wont be into this sorta thing (synthwave / darksynth / etc) but check it out, ninfrendo. can u expand your mind to new possibilities and put off thirsty thoughts about j beck and e Clapton and dimebag d for a day?? Hit a doobie and rock these scoobies.

disclosure: i dont know anything about dimebag Darrell other than i bet he never almost died in the 'hood tryin to buy a dime of what turned out to be pencil shavings



my dude, they could say the same thing about us #a-matter-of-perspective

when u pit 2 enthusiast groups against each other everybody comes out lookin like a pompous jerk
Just ribbing. Although the large & stationary nature of keyboards does mean you have to work a lot harder to pull of some kind of interesting visual for stage presence if you're fronting a band on keys. But that bar... even though it sounds way cool, is super dorky looking, and I reserve the right to make fun of a 3 foot long bent wammy bar.
This dude is on fire. Love the stuff they're doing - and here with horns too!!!
I'm impressed by his Lead Guitar Face™. Without a visual, I probably wouldn't be able to tell it wasn't a guitar.

Dude is awesome, I ran across this one sometime back...awesome cover
