Search results

  1. B3Guy

    We have roasted Ash, how about some Alder?!

    I would love to see some roasted alder bodies! The ash are great, but I'm more of an alder guy
  2. B3Guy

    Vintage Pup Wiring Question So, I am at the point in my project where I am working on wiring up the guitar  :blob7: First logical step seems to be to replace these old, worn out pickup wires, as they're both too short for my purposes and unshielded. I know...
  3. B3Guy

    jpeg file type forum support?

    Hi, all! I've been working on a guitar, and during the process I take pictures with my iPhone, but uploading them to my WIP thread has been a huge hassle. I consistently get an error telling me that "jpeg" file type is not supported. Is this something that could possibly be fixed? Downloading...
  4. B3Guy

    Kustom Kraft 1830 Tribute Guitar

    So, here is my latest project! Started with a body blank, angled pocket and TOM-Stoptail already routed in mahogany. The neck is also Warmoth, but from eBay, and it's a conversion scale neck to match the guitar that I'm trying to replicate. I pulled the pickups off of my ratted out Kustom Kraft.
  5. B3Guy

    Bigsby B5 bridge?

    Hey Bigsby players! What's your favorite bridge setup to use with a B5 on a flat top solid body guitar? I've been looking at the Mastery bridge and Schaller roller bridge.
  6. B3Guy

    What have I got here?

    I recently acquired this Custom Kraft. It is in rough shape, hacked together but still playable. It has some variation of gold foil type pickup, and I'm not sure exactly what they are but they sound killer! Probably getting it a new 24 3/4 conversion 59 Roundback and a Bigsby eventually.
  7. B3Guy

    Just bought some P-Rails, need help figuring out the wiring.

    So, after several years with my wonderful Warmoth, I've finally got around to giving it the electronics I've always planned for it. I just picked up a set of P-Rails (Seymour Duncan), and after two days of deliberating, I've figured out what controls I want on the thing. I'm having the darndest...
  8. B3Guy

    New song . . . and yes, I did use the Warmoth. (Glo-fi/Chillwave)
  9. B3Guy

    My First Art Show in NYC

    Hi, UW! So I'm in an art show next week in Chelsea and would like to invite anyone who is interested to come check it out. Your'e more than welcome at the opening or just to visit during the week. THe opening is Friday night the 30th, and the show will be open for a week from 10am-5pm each...
  10. B3Guy

    Save My Aching Palms?

    Hi, all! It has been a while since I have been active on the UW forum . . . but one doesn't really realize how much a guitar is worth until it is gone. I'm out in NYC for the semester, without my Warmoth (or any guitar for that matter). It has been several months now, and I can't take it...
  11. B3Guy

    Where to hear some good live blues in Los Angeles this week?

    Hi, All! I'm in Los Angeles for the semester, and I am on spring break this week. I'm kinda desperate for some good live blues. Anyone know where the good places are?
  12. B3Guy

    Some of you fellas know about paint, right?

    Hey, all! Its been a while. I need some input from the paint gurus. I wanna paint my car . . . with this: will it work to just give the car a good wash and stars spraying?
  13. B3Guy

    Can I Adjust My Own Rod

    First off, get all the phallic jokes out of the way. Ok, good. Now . . . seeing as my neck has a side-adjust mechanism, wouldn't I be able to adjust the neck sorta close, bolt it on, string it up, and use the strings as my straight guide to fine-tune the sucker with the side adjust? How good of...
  14. B3Guy


    Hey, y'all . . . my un-band has lost interest in NurseryRhymeMETAL and has moved on to Apocalyptic Pop . . . Here's our latest and grea-  . . . worst. Enjoy?
  15. B3Guy

    Bowel Inducing Terror

    So . . . this afternoon my jam session deteriorated into a pile of metal mush, then my roommate suggested we record what we were doing and make a sort of metal parody song/band. A couple hours later, and we have this: 11...
  16. B3Guy

    This Strat Brought to you by . . . Pabloman

    First of all, many thanks to Pabloman, who is sending me all the non-wood elements for this guitar body. Any unused parts will be available to anyone on the forum starting on their first Warmoth build, as will any parts that I replace later. Thanks Pabloman! In Chronological order: 1. The...
  17. B3Guy

    Jazzmaster Cavity Space

    Hi, All! I'm wondering about Jazzmaster cavity space. to my eyes, the lumped finger of the route where knobs should go looks awfully narrow for fitting pots in. Anyone have direct experience with this? (Pots I would be thinking of using are TBX tone control pots by Fender)
  18. B3Guy

    Nitrocellulose Finnish (Aerosol)

    Hey, all! Me again . . . I'm wondering how much it would cost me for finishing supplies to do a Black Red Yellow Burst finish in nitrocellulose lacquer, as well as what the breakdown of step-by-step finishing would be. (this would be on a Warmoth body.) First, do I need to prep a Warmoth body...
  19. B3Guy

    Building my "loaded" body for when the neck arrives

    hey, all! my neck is ordered, so I need something to put it on. I'm looking for help and advice on how to tackle this. I have $400 max to burn on a complete guitar (minus neck with tuners). I can get a p-rails set for $170, which is really tempting, but I don't know if I can pull of a fully...
  20. B3Guy

    talk to me about two things

    Ok, so I've got my first Warmoth neck on the way  :blob7:  :blob7:  :blob7: But I need a body for it, and I don't have a ton to spend, as I'd like to have cash left over to have it set up professionally. I need some opinions on a  couple different points. First off, let me explain what music I...