Search results

  1. T

    Sunset Orange Mustang

    I had a very exciting visit from the UPS van today: Absolutely delighted with how it came out. It took until it arrived and I read the order summary to realise that I didn't actually order a one-piece body as I'd intended ( :doh:) but seeing it in person I'm really not bothered by that...
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    Mustang help

    Hi forum! With my last build finished it's obviously time to order parts for a new one  :icon_biggrin: I'm going to build a pretty simple Mustang with two humbuckers and nothing fancy. The only thing giving me pause is that I'm not particularly keen on using the classic pickup switching model -...
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    Shell pink Strat

    It'll probably be quite some time before anything happens with this, but I placed my order yesterday and I'm excited so I think it's time for a thread. When I was 20 I put my uni course on hold and moved to France for a year. I took nothing but what I could fit in a suitcase, which obviously...
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    Strat pickup pole spacing

    Hi forum! I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on a new Strat build and I want to make sure I'm not about to make a stupid mistake. I know that there are different Strat bridge string spacings and I know what I want in that respect but it seems like that spacing should affect the desirable...
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    Wraparound bridges

    Hi forum. I'm currently at risk of losing a staring contest with a lovely VIP body in the showcase. The only thing staying my hand at this point is that it's routed for a Gotoh 510 wraparound bridge. I happen to think that bridge is ugly as sin, but it looks like the rout would work with...
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    Bass help

    Hi forum. I'm starting to think about Warmoth number two and bass number one, which is slightly problematic since almost everything I know about guitars relates to the six-string breed. The plan at the moment is: BODY: Olympic white jazz bass - everything in the showcase seems to be swamp ash...
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    Maintaining unfinished necks

    Hi all. I have an unfinished pau ferro on goncalo alves neck here and I'm just wondering if I need to be doing anything special to keep it at its best. My standard procedure with finished rosewood fretboards is a pass with shellite followed by lemon oil whenever I change the strings. Is there...
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    Scratchy pot in volume pedal

    I've got an Ernie Ball VP Jr with a scratchy pot. Is there anything I can do to salvage the pot or do I need to swap it out?
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    An old cover

    I was reminded of this the other day and thought I'd share the rediscovery here. This is my cover of Sugar Sugar by the Archies from about 2012. Guitar is a Fender Jazzmaster reissue through a mid-'60s Super Reverb. Can't remember what the effects are. Bass is an early '70s P-Bass direct to the...
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    Pedalboard assembly

    The last of my gear finally made it back from the UK yesterday so I've finally got the pedalboard fully populated. The board itself is a Pedaltrain Classic Pro. I still need to make all the patch cables. Signal chain will be as follows: TC Electronic Polytune 2 Mini > EHX Cathedral >...
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    Seafoam Green Mooncaster

    Thought I'd share the nice surprise I got in the mail from Cagey this morning. It's a black korina Mooncaster in satin seafoam green. Pickups are TV Jones Classics.  :turtle: Photo's a little dark as it's pretty rainy in Sydney today. Will add some better photos once the neck arrives.
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    Noiseless Tele Pickups

    Hi all. After what feels like an absolute eternity, a whole lot of my stuff I sent back from the UK before I came home (before Christmas!) should be arriving in Sydney next week, including a Squier Tele that doesn't play too badly, but has some pretty rough pickups in it. So I'm after some...
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    Instrument Cables

    Hi all. I'm investigating cables to (finally) get my pedalboard all wired up and it seems the easiest and cheapest way to get all the different lengths I'll need is to make them myself. From searching the forum and reading online I think I've settled on Mogami cable and Neutrik connectors. I was...
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    Painting a pedal enclosure

    I've found myself temporarily without a functioning electric guitar lately while I wait for a replacement pickup to arrive, so I've been trying my hand at pedal decorating. Thought I'd share the results here. Here's the blank enclosure halfway through sanding it back. I used something like 80...
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    Diode with two stripes

    Another post revealing my electronics ignorance... I'm putting together a distortion pedal from a kit and I'm having trouble identifying which end of the diode is which. To my eyes both ends have stripes: one end is black and one end is white. I initially matched the black end with the stripe on...
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    Strat wiring help

    Hi guys. I'm in the process of replacing the pickups on an old Squier Strat with Lace Sensors. I believe I've followed the diagram correctly, and the bridge and middle pickups sound fine. The neck pickup however is a way, way weaker signal to the extent that initially I thought I'd somehow...
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    Sticky switch

    Hi folks. I got a good price on an old Marshall Shredmaster yesterday, in really good condition except that about ten percent of the time the switch seems to catch after kicking it on so I can't switch it off again without first working it free. I'm not sure whether there's gunk in there...
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    Head / cabinet recommendations

    Hi all. I've recently found myself in the enviable and thoroughly unfamiliar territory of having money to burn so I thought what better way to celebrate a new Warmoth guitar than to buy a new amp to go with it. I've got a mid-60s Super Reverb at home, which covers my clean tones very well. It's...
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    Guild S-200 Thunderbird reissues

    Does anybody have any experience with the Guild Thunderbird reissues (here: ) I've always loved the look of them, and could never afford an original vintage one, but these reissues are mighty tempting. Only issue is that I'm currently...
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    Advice for an absolute beginner

    Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm looking to put together my first Warmoth guitar as a present to myself for finishing my PhD in two months' time but I'm a little bit nervous about whether I have the skills to do it myself. I'm pretty comfortable with a soldering iron, much less...