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  1. D

    Polyester cures in 12 hours...

    ...and oil based polyurethane takes 30 days. I wonder if Warmoth would ever switch to the more durable, glossy, and just better in every way polyester to open up that bottleneck. I just ordered a bass body and was told I'd see it in 16 to 18 weeks. 4.5 months seems a little ridiculous.
  2. D

    Z bass body truss adjustment route

    I noticed in the showcase, and in the builder, that most bass bodies have a heel truss accessibility route for necks adjustable at the heel. And some, like the G4, G5, do not. And the Diamodbacks in the showcase don't, but do in the builder. I looked at every Z bass I could find online...
  3. D

    Roasted Maple Neck Pilot Holes

    I've heard from multiple people they need to be widened or you'll crack the wood. I experienced this on my Bloodwood neck and had to drill them out and press in some SS threaded inserts. Is this the case with any wood denser/more brittle than raw Maple, that the holes all need widening? Thanks.
  4. D

    4 string, 34" Gecko.

    Why does that not exist? 90% of us play 4 string 34" 95% of the time. I'd probably buy three myself.