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  1. E

    Tele questions

    Due to an unexpected windfall, I may be on the verge of finally building that Tele I've been thinking about. I'm set on a particular body from the showcase (I won't share a link, lest one of you steal it from under me :laughing7:) and a roasted maple neck, but some other important details are...
  2. E


    I have a confession to make: I don't set up my own guitars. Or rather I do, but I don't know what I'm doing. I have Erlewine's book (I've even read it) and still, any success I've had in tinkering with my guitars seems to be the result of pure dumb luck. Fiddling with the set-up of a guitar I...
  3. E

    Home studio/Total n00b

    With playmates constantly moving away and locals only interested in playing Teh Metuhlz (chug chug SQUEEEE ain't exactly my cup o' TEEEA), I've been toying with the idea of setting up a very basic recording space at home. I know I'll need some new toys, I've just no idea what. At the moment...
  4. E


    Looking to get a decent tremolo pedal for myself. Any suggestions? I don't need anything fancy, since it will seldom (if ever) leave the basement and I'm not planning on doing any recording.  I'm inclined to go with Boss, simply because that tends to be where I look for pedals. Then again...
  5. E

    NGD! (Non-W)

    No pics yet (a cardinal sin on the internet, I know), but I got a pretty sweet Gretsch electromatic--a 5420 in Aspen Green--last weekend. I'd been pining for a Gretsch since pretty much the day after I started playing guitar, so my dad says to me a few weeks ago "Here, go buy that guitar you...
  6. E

    A propos of nothing...fatherhood

    I'm gonna be a dad! Found out a couple of weeks ago that my girlfriend is pregnant. She's due in late January/early February. Yes, this is just me fishing for kudos.  :laughing7: Also looking for tips from the other dads on here (you know who you are). This is going to be our first child; how...
  7. E

    Open mic night

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone here frequent "open mic/jam night" events? I've been to a few at some bars here in town, and I've come to the conclusion that they're not nearly as fun as they could or should be. Aside from the crappy equipment and sound, you've got the cliques who won't play...
  8. E

    Anyone else notice...

    ...that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are shrinking? I just caved in and bought some at work (you know, cuz they're delicious) and they were tiny! Still cost the same, of course. Needless to say I'm outraged. Now get off my lawn, ya damn kids. :laughing7:
  9. E

    Anyone been to Nawlins?

    The GF and I are headed to New Orleans this weekend. It'll be our first time there, and it happns to coincide with Mardi Gras (though we'll actually be there for a full week). Obviously we are both very stoked about it. Anyone have any tips on getting the most out of both Mardi Gras and the city...
  10. E

    Tele question (probably a dumb one)

    Lately I've been dreaming of a Tele. Nothing too fancy, but I do want a mini-humbucker in the neck. The body builder lets you have mini-hum routes in the body and pickguard (in my case a Thinline or hybrid PG), but the two don't line up: the PG rout is too close to the bridge. So what if I got...
  11. E

    I saw Bon Jovi last night...

    ...and I'm not ashamed to admit that I had a great time! :icon_biggrin: Their newer songs are admittedly rather bland, but the old stuff makes for a great show. There were 80,000 of us in the crowd, and I was really surprised to see some really young people getting into it and even knowing all...
  12. E

    I've gone and done it now...

    This weekend, the girlfriend and I just took a big leap and bought our first house, a little bungalow 20 minutes out of town. Still have bank papers to sign and whatnot, but it's pretty much official. Looks like we'll be moving come August! :icon_biggrin: In case anyone's interested, here's a...
  13. E

    Help with dye

    I'm sort of at a loss here folks. Over Easter weekend, my dad and I built a small bench out of pine for the, ahem, vestibule of my apartment. We were going to paint it (for shame!), but then my girlfriend found a neat finishing idea in one of my dad's woodworking magazines: walnut stain over...
  14. E

    Looking for direction on a new project

    A friend (actually the singer from my last band) and I are putting together a new project, and I'm looking for some feedback. It's going to be a duo--two guitars, two voices--and we'll be doing originals and covers in the pop-punk vein (Jawbreaker, Alkaline Trio, Lawrence Arms, some Foo...
  15. E

    My compliments to the chef, for cooking up such a rockin' concoction

    Ridiculous thread title.  :doh: Anyway, I went to a jam the other day with my yellow W LPS. I've always been partial to that guitar's sound, and I got a lot of compliments on it from the other guys that were there. But not one person commented on the guitar's appearance. The it occured to me --...
  16. E

    Photography buffs?

    I got my first DSLR - a Canon Rebel - a few months ago, and I'm really starting to get into the whole photography thing. I've taken a few evening classes and whatnot, and am still having fun with my new toy, even though it seems my pictures tend to range from "suck" to "meh".  :laughing7...
  17. E

    And now for something slightly different

    Not trying to instigate the whole Gibson vs. Agile thing, but has anyone seen this? A maple fretboard...on a Goldtop?! Blasphemy, I know. :laughing7: Obviously I'm kidding, but in all honesty, I don't really care for the look of it, especially with the MOP inlays.
  18. E

    Matte to gloss to matte

    Hey all! Minor DIY accomplishment alert!  :icon_biggrin: The maple Mighty Mite neck on my Surf Green practicecaster originally had a smooth, non-sticky matte finish. Over time it had become quite glossy and sticky (especially on humid days like today). So I just went at it with some 0000...
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    Happy birthday Les!

    Les Paul would have been 96 today.  :sad: To commemorate the departed six-string innovator, Google has playable doodle on its homepage. Check it out!
  20. E


    Hey folks, got a question about earwear -- and I don't mean Kyler's wooden ear stretcher things. :icon_jokercolor: I'm talking about hearing protection. For you see, though I rarely practice in a band setting anymore and almost never play out, I've noticed a drop in my hearing and what I...