Search results

  1. P

    Firebird - 30th Anniversary, Screamin' Deal Edition

    Here's the completed Firebird project for the Firebird body I picked up off the old Screamin' Deal page during the 30th Anniversary discount sale. I'd been eyeing the body off for a while, and with all the discounts, it came out well below $200 so I had to have it. Finally have it built so...
  2. P

    Issue with Neck builder

    Hi all, haven't had much time to be hanging out here much to catch up on..and a new website to figure out. Anyway, anyone know how can you select one of the malagasy rosewood unique choice boards? It doesn't appear as an option. The wood is available according to the baritone page.
  3. P

    Any Righties play left-handed, or lefties play right-handed?

    Curious how common it was after some interesting ideas came up this week. 1) A question in last week's New Scientist mag where someone asked why right-handed people play the guitar and fret with their left hand, a seemingly more dexterous activity than strumming or basic picking (steady on...
  4. P

    Wired my first ever guitar today!

    I had a full day at home so sat down and had a go at wiring a guitar for the first time. I've never done any electrical work beyond plugging in the DVD player.  I was expecting it to be a disaster, but after hammering away at it for the better part of the day, I was mightily impressed that a)...
  5. P

    Flatmount bridge on tremolo routed body?

    Can it be done? it's probably a stupid question, but as the sale draws to a close, i had an idea for an interesting build, but wanted the cheapest body possible, and I can't find any flatmounts at the lower end. It all seems to be tremolo. I'm getting an end of sale itchy trigger finger....
  6. P

    Any Photoshop wizzes that can give me a hand?

    I picked up this Firebird body in the sale, and am trying to work out what neck style goes with it, but I'm limited to Windows paint on this PC. I've had the body routed for a middle humbucker, and am trying to picture in my head whether which of the following combinations works best with it...
  7. P

    My DIY is DEAD

    I had an idea to do custom finish on a nice Warmoth body, and decided to start with an old chipboard guitar I had lying around as a practice.  After months of stripping finish, sanding, sealing, painting drying etc, this "practice" project really wormed it's way into my heart. I had the body...
  8. P

    How do P90s in a semi-hollow sound?

    I have a great Reverend Warhawk solidbody with P90s that has this gorgeous crisp bell like tone. Clean, this thing just chimes. For crisp Indy/Alt riffs laden with delay and reverb it's killer. I have HB equipped Sheraton II that I really dig for lead work (I use the neck pup for leads..LoL) and...
  9. P

    Why is is so hard to get double white/creme humbuckers?

    Is there some historical or legal reason double white/creme are much rarer than Black and zebra open coiled humbuckers? I'm after a double white set for a project, but it's really limiting my options to a handful of choices.
  10. P

    Improved packaging for shipped necks

    I've ordered a few bodies and necks from Warmoth to Australia. The bodies arrive well packaged in foam with foam bits and nice and snug in their containers and I've never had a drama.  However, every neck I've received has broken free of the comparatively flimsy 2 point cardboard holders inside...
  11. P

    Firebird versus Mini-hum sizes

    I know the two pickups are constructed differently, but how much difference is there in the sizing? Can I put one type of pickup into a pickguard routed for the other one?
  12. P

    How often are Unique Woods added?

    Just wondering how often new pieces are added to the unique fingerboards wood selection? And what kind of critieria a piece has to get added? I'm pretty much holding pat on a neck build waiting for a piece with serious mojo. Was eyeing off the same piece of Zircote Watershed used for his...
  13. P

    New Screamin' Deal Thinline project

    I was always interested in doing a semi-hollow project, so when this blemished stock appeared on the deals page for $225 I snapped it up. Mary Kaye wasn't my preferred choice of colours, but at that price, I took it as a challenge! I ordered a custom Canary/Bloodwood Variax-style neck to go...
  14. P

    L5S 12-string (Updated)

    A year in the making, but finally my first Warmoth. Reading some of the comments in another thread, this is not going to be to most peeps taste (i.e. not leaving the bare mahogany).  However, I just wanted a simple, understated look. And it was my first time  :binkybaby: Body: Mahogany body...
  15. P

    Could this be Warmoth one day?

    I found this very interesting. Maybe I'm a bit behind the times for not knowing the story. Source: Schecter Guitar Research, or commonly known as just Schecter, is an American guitar manufacturer. The company was founded in 1976 by David...
  16. P

    Did something foolish, and now need help...

    I think you all know this story...there was a showcase Jaguar body I was coverting months ago, but it was a little too rich for my blood at the time. I just saw it discounted on the deals page and had to snap it up. The thing is, because I'd passed it over ages ago, I had already moved on with...
  17. P

    Does my warmoth 12-string neck need a string tree?

    I've checked out some of the projects on the Warmoth site and no-one seems to be using a string tree on the few 12 strings I've found. As a straight headstock I figured it would be highlt recommended to use one?
  18. P

    Canary neckwood availability & cost?

    I was looking to put a canary spec neck together for a body I recently received, and I don't see Canary as a neckwood option on the price chart. Has this wood type become unavailable, or is it by special order only? If the latter what is the upcharge? I'm looking at a 24 3/4" conversion neck...
  19. P

    Question on Unique Fingerboard options

    Are they interchangable between neck sizes? There's a couple of great fingerboard options for a Warmoth pro angled strat, but they don't show up under options for a Baritone angled strat. Are these wood pieces already cut to the shorter length or something that makes them unavailable for the...
  20. P

    Transparent white instead of white dye?

    Would Mary Kay white make for a decent substitution for a white dye (which isn't available) on a quilt maple top? I'd love a guitar with a cloud or milkshake like look.