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  1. J

    Unmatched cab/top ohm. Safe or unsafe?

    Maybe someone in this forum has some wisdom to share on the matter? Simply put, I wonder if I can, safely, connect and use a 4 ohm cab with a 8 ohm amp? It's a combo but the the internal speaker is muted when you connect an external. After doing some research on the subject, I decided that...
  2. J

    Dimarzio EP1111 switch broken...?

    Yes! Finally managed to get my hands on a new switch, and after a few hours of installation the story ends on the bright side! Works perfect again! I'm so glad :) Funny thing, I actually got the switch from a guy who was buying a pedal from me. As we discussed the price of the pedal he asked...
  3. J

    Dimarzio EP1111 switch broken...?

    Seems to be the only thing to do then, replacing it. Will try to get a hold of a new expensive rascal and return with a report! When I think about it, I haven't seen it on many guitars other than my own and the Petrucci guy's. Strange, it's really a nice switch. Well, when it works I probably...
  4. J

    Remove neck finish - pros/cons

    Interesting. Thanks for the video, Hendrix. The neck is a flamed maple with flamed maple board. I like the guitar a bit too much to risk it I think. However, Tung Oil seems interesting. Is that the same as Warmoth offers as their 'clear satin' finish by the way?
  5. J

    Remove neck finish - pros/cons

    A while ago, I decided to try to remove the glossy finish on the back of the neck on a old (squier)strat laying around. I was very happy with the results, but I wanted to wait some time to see if the raw wood would somehow get bad not being protected by the finish. This was about six months ago...
  6. J

    Dimarzio EP1111 switch broken...?

    Hi!  :) I've run into a problem with my otherwise nice warmoth-strat. Two humbuckers wired to a Dimarzio EP1111 3-way switch a la Petrucci-style, meaning 1) neck 2) one coil of each in series 3) bridge. When working properly, it's killer. But every now and then one of the pickups just went...
  7. J

    The Sirens

    Absolutely stunning strat, love the painting!  :toothy10:
  8. J

    So I have to bend the jack plate...?

    Nice, so there was no need to bend the plate at all then? But I doubt that it'd work for my guitar - I mean, I'm too afraid to do it that way...  :sad:
  9. J

    So I have to bend the jack plate...?

    Please, anything but pliers...  :-\ But ok then, I'll give it a shot and try not to scratch off too much of the black finish  :icon_thumright:
  10. J

    So I have to bend the jack plate...?

    Hello forum, I'm quite excited since this might be the last post on the forum before I put up som pics of my new geeta' in the gallery...  :toothy10: But here's the problem. I did expect the jack plate (football) to be already bent so that it would fit the strat body. Although it was bent to a...
  11. J

    Side jack hole too tight for switchcraft jack?

    Enlarged the hole a bit, no problem at all  :icon_thumright:
  12. J

    Side jack hole too tight for switchcraft jack?

    I think I'll try that, it can't be that hard  :icon_thumright: I'm curious though, with the larger pre-drilled hole that Warmoth offers, is the jack hanging without touching the wood at all? Wouldn't that put a lot of pressure on the jack plate everytime you plug/unplug a cable?  :icon_scratch:
  13. J

    Side jack hole too tight for switchcraft jack?

    I'm trying to install a switchcraft jack in a strat body with 3/4" side jack hole. I have to push it quite a bit to get the jack into the hole, but it should be tight anyway so I don't mind that. The problem is, when I then connect a guitar cable to the jack it won't go all the way in. Because...
  14. J

    Tiger's eye strat w/ Cs 69 pups

    Looks very good!  :hello2:
  15. J

    Waiter...there's a woma in my Warmoth...

  16. J

    How deep dare I drill?

    That awkward moment when you realize you need to work on your English...  :doh: Nice one!  :kewlpics: "Worm-hole body with birdseye maple neck" sounds kind of funny to me...  :icon_thumright:
  17. J

    How deep dare I drill?

    That pretty much sums it up. Masking tape of course, I will use that. But there's almost no risk of splitting the wood then, thats what I wanted to know.  :icon_thumright:
  18. J

    How deep dare I drill?

    I know 5cm is too much...  :doh:  Seems your answer is <5cm then  :icon_thumright: Worm-holes... I'd like to see that! Like Bumblefoots cheese-guitar then?  :icon_jokercolor:
  19. J

    How deep dare I drill?

    I decided not to put this in the "Questions-too-stupid-to-deserve-their-own-thread" thread since there might be some other newbie who wants to know about this. You never know... - When I drill in the body, how deep can I go? I'm especially thinking about drilling in the pickup cavities but...