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  1. E

    Esquire switching

    I've seen where the Fender Custom Shop makes an Esquire "Stealth" or some such... anyone know something about that?
  2. E

    George L's cables

    Thumb, I'll add my 2 cents worth here... I love George L's. You'd have no trouble hearing the difference. The kinda skinny wire has a tendency to twist and tangle, but it's totally worth it. Very quiet, very reliable, full frequency transmission.
  3. E

    Tele bridge stacked hum: suggestions?

    Thanks, guys! I'm really wanting to keep the traditional look, i.e. standard size pole pieces and fiber flatwork... and maybe a little hotter than vintage, but not too much. Anybody familiar with the Bill Lawrence stacked hums?  I saw them when I was looking at the Q filter on his website. The...
  4. E

    Esquire switching

    -CB-, thanks! I took a look on the Bill Lawrence website... Definitely a contender! Anybody else?
  5. E

    Tele bridge stacked hum: suggestions?

    Hey, ever'body, I'm soliciting opinions on what is a good choice for a stacked humbucker for a Tele bridge pickup? I already have a Gibson mini-hum in the neck position. I'd like to retain as much of the traditional sound and look as possible, although a little extra girth sound-wise wouldn't be...
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    Esquire switching

    I wonder if any of you have a unique scheme for the 3rd switch position on an Esquire? I can live with having only the 2 obvious useful switch selections, but the super dark-sounding "rhythm" selection does absolutely nothing for me. Anyone tried a hidden neck pickup that really works, and fits...
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    soooo sparkly!

    Jack, the controls are a bit atypical for a Tele... Note the stacked chrome knobs; each pickup has it's own volume and tone pot. The black knob in the middle, besides being a master volume, is also a push/push switch for reversing the phase on the neck pickup. Does the T-Bone Walker tone pretty...
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    soooo sparkly!

    Finally! I'd been sitting on this project for several weeks. I'm very pleased with the results... Thank you, Warmoth, for the terrific job you did on this lightweight Swamp Ash body. I'm not a country player, but I'm a big fan of carved leather and flashy guitars a-la- Buck Owens/Don Rich. What...