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  1. P

    Neck plate fun (Blackening Metal) [Several large pictures]

    Hah, no.  I found a broken Yamaha stereo chorus, and made it into a cord coupler/Valnøtt.  The guys in the Austerity Program (the Band that did that video) found it hilarious that someone would make one.  If you want that tone, take a Boss HM-2 crank everything except the output (to taste) and...
  2. P

    Neck plate fun (Blackening Metal) [Several large pictures]

    So recently I got a neck plate from Doug, but I decided I was going to be a little more looney tunes about it.  So I decided to blacken the metal.  In technical terms this is chemically adding a layer of Metal rust (in this case MnO2, or Parkerizing the metal) to the exposed steel or iron.  It...
  3. P


    I'm pleased with mine as well.  I have thought about the SG kit as well, but I'd do the custom one.  If I'm spending the money, I'm getting it my way... Patrick
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    It has been a helluva year Greg.  Four eye surgeries, wrecked car, laid off from job, on more medication for stomach issues (surprising right?), two pals passed away, girl issue, and I'm sure that there was more I've forgotten because it just hasn't let up.  Because of this, I've slowed down on...
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    This is my Gold Top from those guys.  Great guitar, lots of fun to play.  Just wish I could have gotten stainless frets, but oh well... Patrick
  6. P

    Jumbo frets question

    The only complaint I have is that I tend to strangle the neck with my playing style.  Taller frets tend to make things easier to wrestle it out of tune.  If you shred and have a light touch, this is not a concern.  I don't really feel the difference as far as playing, but the way I play makes...
  7. P

    Wenge Neck Stability

    I've got five of them, if you do the trick with polishing them up to 1500-2000 grit the only problem I have found with them is that they are so darn slick you have to really hold on to them when moving them around.  Otherwise they are stable like what Tony and Bagman said.  The bass neck almost...
  8. P

    Traditional ?!? Output Jack on a King V body

    On the body I want to get it would be string through with the recessed TOM, so there is a limit to where you can put the jack plate.  I was looking for plexi routing guides for a strat jack plate and failed there too.  I made a guide for the B Bender, I suppose I can make another...  It might be...
  9. P

    Traditional ?!? Output Jack on a King V body

    I was curious if anyone has done this.  I believe that Jackson originally routed out a flat spot on the back side of the body on the upper horn and then added a jack there.  Difficult to describe, but it appeared that the back side of the body would have a notch, if you will, and the output jack...
  10. P

    Like I need another project, Oops. (Not really)

    Cagey, I believe I've told you before to buy a string tree.  You don't ever have to use it, but you'll always have something if you need a part to start another build with.  Yes, I'm evil. Patrick
  11. P

    Like I need another project, Oops. (Not really)

    It reminded me of the picture of Ziricote in the neck tone-scale page.  This one is the first I have seen that has that much entropy to it.  So I bought it.  However, it looks like ramen and peanut butter sandwiches are going to be common for a little while now. Patrick
  12. P

    Like I need another project, Oops. (Not really)

    Them fellers at the Big Dubya seems to be cornerin that there market on them purty pieces, I recokon.  But Yous gots some mighty fine vitsamins Z there. Patrick
  13. P

    Like I need another project, Oops. (Not really)

    Yeah, I have three Wenge necks already, one with a Ziricote board on it.  But that project is on hold due to technical difficulties with parts.  I also have a Ziricote neck.  If you ever get the chance to get one, yeah.  It is like a dense piece of uber hard wax.  Fun to play, heavy.  I have...
  14. P

    The Worst Guitar Tone You've Ever Heard

    Yes that first Ozzy album didn't sound like they had the dough that the second one did.  Live, Crazy Train sounds good, studio, egad.  Operation Ivy still has my pick for craptastic tone.  Egad.  I do like Husker Du's sound on New Day Rising, but later he added a lot of chorus to make it, uh...
  15. P

    Like I need another project, Oops. (Not really)

    Sooooooo, I started another project.  Sort of.  I bought another neck.  Of all of the guitars I have built, none have really been for more heavy, loud music.  They have all been odd slices of the personality that a custom guitar would really be the only way to properly address things.  That and...
  16. P

    Who knew Mahogany could have such awesome figuring?

    I have a Mahogany Burl classical acoustic from Yairi Alvarez, and it has some amazing figure to it.  Those are some sharp piece there. Patrick
  17. P

    A Couple of Questions Regarding "Non-Standard" Orders

    I don't have a picture of it handy, but in person it looks purty darn good.  It's what you would expect, nothing that jumps out at you in person as, "interesting in a weird way." Patrick
  18. P

    A Couple of Questions Regarding "Non-Standard" Orders

    I have an angled warhead, just get an angled fender and have the mod done.  Slight upcharge.  Mine is a reverse one as well... Patrick
  19. P

    A Couple of Questions Regarding "Non-Standard" Orders

    I asked about another litigious company's design, and they said to me at the time, if it was a one off, and I sent the drawing, they'd do it.  Not going to name names...  Things could have changed, it has been a number of years. Patrick
  20. P

    A Couple of Questions Regarding "Non-Standard" Orders

    I think Trevor has chambered every one of his teles, and had some one add an extra chamber, err chamber opening, to his hand built acoustic.  He's a little bent that way. They might.  If you take a blank and chamber it by hand with a router, then glue on the top and have the CNC do the rest, it...