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  1. Axkoa

    I have lost my practice space....

    That looks like an awesome setup. Over the last 6 months or so I've been doing research into drums, just wish I had the space at home for at least an electronic kit. I love the idea of being able to flesh out my songs with more realistic drums, one day I'll own my own home studio with sound...
  2. Axkoa

    VOTE HERE! May 2020 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Congrats I AM a Robot! I managed to vote for the winner! So many unique guitars this week, it's no wonder I got no votes :laughing7:
  3. Axkoa

    New Audio Interface! Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB

    Honestly not sure I can give advice about comparing this with other interfaces. It's definitely a hell of a lot nicer than my old one, but haven't really gotten around to recording much vocals with it. I picked it up on sale for the same price as the current gen Scarlett 18i8 so mostly got it...
  4. Axkoa

    Coronavirus Discussion

    Really proud of us Aussies are doing. My state of 5 million people are down to 16 active cases, 7 people in hospital. Our government put out the roadmap to opening things up the other day. Really hoping people don't go crazy with the restrictions being lessened. The country is down to less than...
  5. Axkoa

    New Audio Interface! Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB

    After the last year of being annoyed at my old interface, I decided to upgrade. Got myself a Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB on sale. Haven't been able to do much recording with it but I feel like the guitars definitely sound better and the microphone through it sounds great. Got this one for future...
  6. Axkoa

    VOTE HERE! May 2020 Guitar of the Month Contest

    I agree with Logrinn, it was pretty easy for me as well, and I didn't vote for myself :icon_biggrin:
  7. Axkoa

    GAS Alert!!!!

    This screaming deal is awesome, that headstock is super unique looking.
  8. Axkoa

    Customization / Compatibility During Checkout

    As Warmoth are a parts company, they don't check any of this, it's on the shoulders of the buyer. They don't know whether what you're ordering is for the same build or if it's very separate builds. My advice is to do a lot of research, and maybe post on here with the list of parts and...
  9. Axkoa

    Starting out virtual

    I agree with Hendrix, maybe if you can help yourself, wait until you can get the body :laughing7: See how dark it is then go from there? For what it's worth, I like the creme rings but not the zebra covers. If it were me I'd just go the covered Fishmans, but that's me. It's your guitar! Really...
  10. Axkoa

    Fender Jazz Strat

    I remember seeing that during all the NAMM coverage and thought it was awesome, especially because of the Decoboom pickguard. It sounds incredible, but I'm not sure it's something I'd buy myself though. Sorta would just prefer making my own Warmoth Jazzmaster with a...
  11. Axkoa

    Coronavirus Discussion

    Awesome. Sanderson is my favourite author easily, love the Mistborn and Stormlight Archive series. I hope you enjoy it, I can't wait until the Wheel of Time TV series comes out.
  12. Axkoa

    Coronavirus Discussion

    I'm really proud of us and understand how lucky Australia has been. We've had 6,366 cases, and only 2,800 of those are active. The last 7 days we've had 464 new cases and 1,062 recoveries. It's crazy how much of a screw-up our government and officials made letting in so many cruise ships. Over a...
  13. Axkoa

    Coronavirus Discussion

    Hey nice! One of my favourite series. This your first read of it?
  14. Axkoa

    Song a Week Challenge

    Week 14: Tried writing a Celtic-ish Folk sort of song, inspired by Metal bands like Eluveitie and Elvenking. Had so much fun writing and recording this one, so much fun that I did it all in just under 3 hours.
  15. Axkoa

    Forced myself to kickstart 3 paintings tribute guitar

    That's incredible! I can't wait to see what it would look like finished, and how you come up with putting the bridge pickup in.
  16. Axkoa

    Coronavirus Discussion

    Hey, you know what that reminds me of... :icon_scratch:
  17. Axkoa

    Song a Week Challenge

    My three latest songs: Week 7: Week 10: Week 13: All of the guitar work on this is using my new Warmoth, which I'm really happy with how it sounds. Just wish I...
  18. Axkoa

    Found an extra set of Dunlop Straplocks in my parts pin, a sign...

    I've just found I have 4 left...guess I'm going to have to build a new guitar.
  19. Axkoa

    build sequence

    It all depends on the body shape and if it has a pickguard or anything, but here is what I did for my Hybrid Strat build: [list type=decimal] Mount the tuners. Mount the pickups, bridge pickup screwed into bridge and neck P90 drilled and screwed into the cavity. Screw in the bridge, line up the...
  20. Axkoa

    Tele contours - torn on what to do

    One of my dream builds is a super light piece of roasted swamp ash, finished in a few light coats of oil, with a b-bender. Some vintage-style Tele pickups and a one piece roasted maple neck hmmm