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  1. T

    Fret dressing a new Warmoth neck

    I've only got one Warmoth, but I haven't done anything to the frets (yet).  I'm sure a good leveling / crowning / polish would indeed improve it, but it's also just fine the way it is.  I also cut my own nut on this one.
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    Repairing A Stripped Straplock Screw Hole ???

    I've done the "drill-dowel-glue" routine a couple of times and darned if it doesn't just keep stripping out (every few years).  There's a lot of weight on them there screws.  Last time, I installed machine thread inserts.  We'll see if that lasts longer. TZ
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    New Roasted Maple Neck for the SSB

    I didn't use any sealant that I remember, but I was using a different wood species, and obviously you need something.  I would probably just try a thin coat of whatever your top coat is going to be - i.e. if you're going to brush on some polyurethane after doing the inlay, do a coat before doing...
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    New Roasted Maple Neck for the SSB

    Regarding the epoxy inlay option, I have done this using clear epoxy, and mixed in tint (aniline powders, the same stuff you might use to dye a guitar body), and it worked.  I mean, I'm a sucky woodworker, and the inlay part itself wasn't cut very well (picture trying to do it by hand with a...
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    Quick Grain Fill Questions

    I don't have anything helpful to add regarding the filler / sealer stuff (I've only ever finished alder, which doesn't require grain filler), but I'd like to say I like the look you've got now, even if it's not what you were aiming at.  It looks almost like marbelized wood!  :icon_thumright: TZ
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    What to expect from an unfinished Roasted Maple Bass Neck?

    I don't have a roasted maple neck, but I do have a purpleheart neck that I had intended to leave unfinished.  However, after watching it suck in a drop of sweat from my hand, I decided to give it a couple coats of danish oil.  It provides a little bit of protection, and darkens the wood a little...
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    Best chance of success with finishing

    I've done a couple spray can finishes.  It can be done and come out reasonably well.  It is, as Cagey says, highly dependent on labor that is not necessarily part of applying the finish, but IMO that's true for pretty much any finish.  (I guess maybe not the 2k stuff he described as being...
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    Poplar, Dye, Tung Oil, Carnauba Wax

    Quite the transformation, there.  Looks great! TZ
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    My new first time Warmoth

    Welcome to the supernova club!  :D  I dig it, think they look real nice in gold pearloid and the whole color scheme of the guitar works beautifully. TZ
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    Undead Fred: Soloist

    Ditto on the ebony.  That's a great-looking burst.  I think maybe a goncalo alves / ebony would go nice... TZ
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    Van Houten stuff

    Milhouse makes guitars? TZ
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    GAS Alert!!!!

    One day, I hope to feel comfortable enough financially that I can spur-of-the-moment pull the trigger on something like this:
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    Standard Gloss Black Finish - Easiest Way (No Spray Setup)

    IMO the reason for doing the finish yourself is because you like doing finishes, or you want something that isn't offered by W.  For a straight black, I would definitely go w/ Warmoth's paint department.  Unless you want a lower quality finish that will age (i.e. get banged up) quickly... TZ
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    Neck wood opinions wanted

    I think an ebony fretboard would look great with that.  Black Korina for neck back would be cool too.  Other than that, I think maybe wenge would work? TZ
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    Dyed swamp ash.

    I don't usually care for mint green pickguards, but it goes well with that finish.  Nice job! TZ
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    My first neck build! Raw Lumber

    Whole thing is coming together very nicely.  :hello2: TZ
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    Grain Popping + Stain on Roasted Flame Maple

    I'd be curious to see (and tempted to try it if it were my neck) how that neck would react to stain, but I'd try a tiny bit on the heel first, before slapping it all over the fretboard and headstock.  Beautiful neck regardless! TZ
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    Can you put a curved nut in a flat slot? (P-bass)

    I think making a nut from scratch is something every guitar tinkerer should try sometime.  It'll be the last time you complain about paying someone $75 to do it for you.  :laughing11: Seriously, I did it on my last neck, and it was a great learning process, and I'll probably never do it again. TZ
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    My Roasted Soloist Eagle

    Nice looking parts.  I don't have an HSH guitar, but I think the next one I build will use that configuration, seems extremely versatile. TZ
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    Soloist vs Strat, why are soloists so light?

    I love my Warmoth Strat, but if I were to do it all over again (and hopefully someday I will ;) ) I would also go soloist with 24-fret neck.  I'm not a vintage purist, I just want the best guitar, and I think that's well on the way. TZ