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  1. R

    Sanding down a fatback

    Here is another great video on carving the neck. If its a modern neck the truss rod should be directly below the fretboard. The Gotoh truss rod they use for that is a straight double action rod.
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    Anyone ever stained a maple or Roasted maple neck ? any tips ?

    I did a black dye on a regular maple neck, it had a little bit of figure in it and came out pretty good. I put about 5 coats of satin nitro on top of the dye. Also did a blue dye on a Floyd Rose Discovery neck, wanted a faded denim look. It is tough to not get streaks in the dye with...
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    Post what you're listening to!

    This woman! The talented and beautiful Nita Hurricane Strauss!
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    Fixing a Partially Cracked Headstock

    Just a thought for future reference. I can't remember who it was but I saw a repair video on YouTube where a guy was working on a crack and he applied the glue while holding the crack open as much as possible then used compressed air to gently force the glue into the crack. It seemed like it...
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    VOTE HERE! October 2018 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Congrats Seamas, beautiful guitar! Thought I had it this month, next month I'll had to get a pro finished ready.
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    October 2018 Guitar of the Month Contest Submissions

    Good luck to everyone! It figures I would be up against some very tough competition and some board veterans to boot! Anyway I see I am allowed to post my build thread! Thank you to anyone who does vote for me, I know I would have a hard...
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    Stratolander or Musicaster

    Thank you all I appreciate the compliments! It was a lot of fun and a lot of work!
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    Roadhouse Build thread

    That looks great, I would go very easy on the stain, don't want to hide that grain pattern. I just had great success with Crystalac BriteTone on my guitar. I sprayed on about 8 coats and let it set for a month before sanding and buffing. came out very nice.
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    Favorite dimarzio humbucker?

    I love the Fred, great harmonics on it!
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    What have you made with a blank?

    The Musicaster, A blend between a Strat and Musiclander on a 7/8 size with a Mustang 24" scale neck.
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    Stratolander or Musicaster

    A long time in coming but the Musicaster(yes that is the permanent name now) is done. I could not me more happy with the results. I wet sanded the finish with 2000-5000 paper and proceeded to buff. I Had to be careful with the wetsanding as I wanted to have some of the open grain still show...
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    How are you putting custom headstock logos on?

    I did a pretty extensive write up on how I gold or silver leaf logos.
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    Stratolander or Musicaster

    Thanks guys! I have a few coats of Crystalac Bright Tone gloss clear on it now and letting it cure really well before I hit it with some 800/1000/1500/2000 buff. I am off work over the wee of the 4th of July so I hope to get it all done then. Bob
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    My first neck build! Raw Lumber

    Not sure if this thread should stay in the work in progress or moved, mods feel free to move if needed. The guitar will no longer have any Warmoth parts. I got the body partially complete over the weekend. African Mahogany with chambers in a MM Axis design. One can never have too...
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    VOTE HERE! June 2018 Guitar of the Month Contest

    I agree, all very beautiful! Good luck to everyone!
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    My first neck build! Raw Lumber

    Thanks everyone! I picked up a top(an acoustic back) for the body for this neck over the weekend. Pau Rosa, beautiful book match. My plan right now is to do a chambered MusicMan Axis style body, African mahogany with this top, string through TOM and P90's, maybe a piezo bridge or maybe I am...
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    Stratolander or Musicaster

    I got a few coats of clear on today and did a little mock up.
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    Stratolander or Musicaster

    Time to start the finish! Crystalac sanding sealer and grain fill Mixing the sonic blue A bit of Crystalac Bright Tone Gloss, some white to make it semi-transparent, then ONE drop of blue (stewmac waterbased paint pigments) 2 coats Tomorrow morning I will give it a quick scuff...
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    Decal question

    I do 2 coats of sanding sealer, flatten it with 400, apply the decal then 6-8 coats of gloss.
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    My first neck build! Raw Lumber

    You can make a template for the cross section of the neck in a few places, but I found the easiest to do is to run a round file down to the finished thickness to give a reference then just shave away. Once you get it close take a long strip of 80 grit and work it up and down the neck, don't use...