Recommendation for Xmas: James Hetfield Messengers


Senior Member
Just finished the book. Regardless of whether you're Metallica fan or not, this book goes into so much depth about James Hetfield's guitars on 400 pages with beautiful high-definition pictures that it will be a joy for everyone who is into building guitars. The detailed explanations of the process of how Ken Lawrence built James' guitars is especially inspiring.

Highly recommended!
Wow....not a cheap read! I'll have to watch for the used ones to come around because I am sure I would love it.

But just in case any of you are looking for a last minute Christmas gift for me:

Warmoth used to do that Ken Lawrence headstock. We may still be able to do it off-menu.
man, u could get at least 10 decent copies of The Old Man and The Sea for that kind of money. and i intend to. each copy destroyed is effectively a sale gained for my future memoir "the old man and the Drop-C"