A Good Tele Humbucker Bridge?


Epic Member
I have a Tele humbucker bridge that's been kicking around here for a few years. I was going to use it on my Faultline build but I dug it out of the parts box and found the string spacing is totally bogus and the string-through holes are huge, 3/16" or something similar. Landfill.

On this build I want 2-1/16" spacing and a decent quality bridge. I would go with Callaham or Glendale but neither makes one. I don't want to use a standard hardtail bridge and a mounting ring. Is Gotoh the best option? Are there others? I've seen numerous ones advertised but they don't say what the string spacing is so I won't bother with them.

Thanks for any direction on this.
I used the Gotoh Standard Tele bridge that Warmoth sells, which is 2 1/8" spacing, or 1/16" wider than their humbucker bridge.  The part itself is on par with what you'd expect from a top-shelf Japanese manufacturer, i.e., solid performance and flawless workmanship.  If you're not hung up on the vintage look you could do a lot worse, and would have to work hard to do better.
Thanks, Ian. That gives me some direction. I'll probably order the Gotoh bridge.
Babicz may also be worth a look but I am sure the Gotoh will do a good job. And there is also the 2Tek bridge that Warmoth sells.
stratamania said:
Babicz may also be worth a look but I am sure the Gotoh will do a good job. And there is also the 2Tek bridge that Warmoth sells.
Thanks for this great information. You've opened up options for me and not just on this build.

The Babicz looks like a good bridge. Top mount, too, if there is a time when I need or want that. As it is, I have a different body that might get one if the rout location specs properly. They will send free screws and saddles to anyone who has intonation or height issues mounting them (the forum thread I found on the Gear Page mentioned that was the case with Warmoth bodies but I'm making my own and would make it to fit).

2-Tek is an option if I want a trem. I may consider that on a future build.

I think for now, I'll go with the Gotoh, though.
Glad it was useful. The 2Tek is a fixed bridge.

I know you said you didn't want to go with a hardtail/ring combo but have you seen the bridges from Schroeder? Effin sexy pieces. His half tele is  beautiful and available as a top loader. I'm a humbucker guy but his regular tele bridge is enough to make me go with a Quarter Pound pup or some other beefy tele bridge pickup. Its next on the list after I finish up my jazzy.
I have not seen the Schroeder bridges. I have a project in the planning that will benefit greatly from one. Thanks for bringing those to my attention.
Street Avenger said:
Dimarzio Super Distortion-T in the bridge you already have.
Good suggestion there but I have a DiMarzio 36th Anniv Paf I want to put in the bridge position. There are a lot of good choices for the bridge position with a standard PU bridge.
I know it’s been mentioned before but the babicz fch tele z bridge is 2 1/16 and holds a humbuker.

Should be a diagram.
I met babicz at a guitar show 20 years ago .  Good guy.
I like the Babicz design. I already have the bridge for this one but there will most likely be more in the future.
I'm pretty sure the Babicz bridge doesnt bolt up. I thinks it fits the American Std. route.