Coronavirus Discussion

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PhilHill said:
The Aaron said:
Excellent idea. Proper communication of accurate info is vital to getting through this.  :icon_thumright:
With measure, yes. 90% of my work now consists of running through supplier COVID-19 statements, distilling the impact on our activities from them (they tend to get cloudier as measures become stricter), writing a summary, and updating my international management. Tjhe remainder of my time goes into trying to actually minimize the impact for our customers.I feel like a war zone reporter.
ByteFrenzy said:
With measure, yes. 90% of my work now consists of running through supplier COVID-19 statements, distilling the impact on our activities from them (they tend to get cloudier as measures become stricter), writing a summary, and updating my international management. Tjhe remainder of my time goes into trying to actually minimize the impact for our customers.I feel like a war zone reporter.

The changes are coming faster that you can read about them.

We've been trying to draft an internal letter for a week, and have to keep amending it or starting over.
Rather than simply return the recent Tele body I received with the questionable finish, I decided to exchange it for another Showcase body. In all seriousness, I decided to do an exchange as a preemptive and precautionary measure to protect my mental health in case of a California/New York style lockdown. Hands-on projects, regular exercise, and sticking as closely to my daily routine will be essential for me to personally navigate the unknown.   
So... rice, beans, toilet paper, and Warmoth bodies. And that's all I need! ...and this pick. I need this pick.
Start a rumor that we need to stockpile Warmoth parts not because we're scared but all our neighbors are being stupid. Sobget em while you can
PhilHill said:
Don't forget the chair and the lamp.

guitarstv said:
Cagey said:
So... rice, beans, toilet paper, and Warmoth bodies. And that's all I need! ...and this pick. I need this pick.

You have TOILET PAPER???  :O

Don't even think about it. According to me, Cagey is very much capable of defending his toilet paper.
Bill is forerunner on his both career . Ted talk 4 years ago

Hendrix said:
Bill is forerunner on his both career . Ted talk 4 years ago


Perhaps after this current Covid-19 leadership will catch up.
I need to catch up.

Speaking for myself, in the past 25 years I’ve neither voted for , supported, or attempted to educate myself on these issues. I’m at fault for being apathetic and disengaged. Hopefully my kids have the opportunity to lean from my mistakes. I need to do better to ensure they’re up to speed.
At least 12,000 Americans have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000. The CDC also estimates that up to 31 million Americans have caught the flu this season, with 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized because of the virus.  The country didn't shut down and the stores didn't get raided. I blame the media for the mass hysteria over COVID-19.
The difference between flu and the Covid-19 virus is that flu is seasonal and as a species we have a certain immunity to it. Although seasonally flu takes its toll, Covid-19 is a different thing to which as a species there is no immunity developed yet, many more at risk groups are vulnerable, there is currently no vaccine and without intervention the spread will be greater than it currently is.

And if you don't believe this, take a look on the news at the army trucks rolling out COVID-19 victims in northeren Italy from cities that don't have sufficient morgue capacity to cities that do. I don't recall this from ordinary influenza outbreaks.
I think the question is not necessarily whether or not a virus is killing people. I think the question is more about whether or not our response as a global community is proportional to the actual threat, or if it is dis-proportionate and unnecessarily destructive. Given the kind of terrifying extent of the economic hole we are digging, I'd say at best that is questionable. It will take years to climb out from what we've done just in the last week, how much further do we go? If more people are harmed by the economic fallout of the hysteria than would have been affected by the virus given a more moderate response, then have we done the right thing?
Based upon the microscopic statistics of infection, and submicroscopic statistics of death, at the moment the response seems misaligned with reality. However, when sports leagues concede hundreds of billions in revenue, corporation and banks are walking away from trillions, it does make me think they know something we don't know.

As cynical as I might be, one thing is for sure, Wall Street will get richer while Main Street will be left to pickup the pieces. Heck, corporate stock options will reset and the C Suite of the world will walk away with 10x free money...again. I can only imagine the tidal wave of corporate bailout requests about to hit. I pray we learned our lesson the last time and give power to the people vs subsidize corporate greed.
I pray we learned our lesson the last time and give power to the people vs subsidize corporate greed.

Although I fully agree with you, I would say good luck on that happening. Always been interested in history, and my studies of it have shown me that far too many times, humans have failed to learn from the past. Hopefully, I'm wrong. But I wouldn't bet big money on it.
Street Avenger said:
  I blame the media for the mass hysteria over COVID-19.

Did you see what happened in Italy ? first the infect people outnumbered hospitals bed , then lockdown becomes too late , then the dead out numbered funeral services, very sad text book case of NOT  "flatten the curve “ .

Why Italy ? Because it the only one major western power join China one-belt-one-road and welcome China investment .

A lot Chinese work in Italy fashion production, escape out to Italy early on before China lockdown .
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