Dense and Droning


Senior Member
This is my take at a track that's somewhat dense for me (4 guitar tracks, bass, drums, horns, and piano simultaneously) and also droning - something I usually am not fond of writing.
sounds like a cool intro.
Next up should be the bass entering and the melodramatic guitar solo that covers 4 more passes over that same section.
I like the space the guitars are sitting in - and agree w/ S_K. 

I cringed at the description, thinking about how much hair I'd shed over mixing horns, piano, and guitars.  I have a track with a ton of midrange hogging instruments and I can't get the mix right to my ears.  You did well.
Good mix, for sure. I wouldn't want to tackle that but you pulled it off nicely.
Thanks all, it was a bit of a pain, but I've started using more bussing, a more precise eq, and stereo spread to ease the pain of mixing. Here's a bit from the track that's slated to go after this in the album.