Fantastic New Therapy


Mythical Status
Saw this earlier, and thought is was an interesting solution to a lotta things...


Reminded me a little of Dennis Leary's therapeutic advice (Warning - NSFW)

Bob Newhart, the Master of subtlety. A man who could simply hold a phone receiver to his ear and do a twenty minute routine. :laughing3:
Did you guys every play that drinking game "Hi Bob" while watching that show?

You take a sip of your drink whenever someone says "Bob", then finish your drink when someone says "Hi Bob".  Very dangerous when Bob walks into a room full of people...
Mayfly said:
Did you guys every play that drinking game "Hi Bob" while watching that show?

You take a sip of your drink whenever someone says "Bob", then finish your drink when someone says "Hi Bob".  Very dangerous when Bob walks into a room full of people...

I don't think so, but I used to get involved in a lot of drinking games. For some reason I can't remember exactly which ones or when............ :icon_scratch:
PhilHill said:
..... I used to get involved in a lot of drinking games. For some reason I can't remember exactly which ones or when............ :icon_scratch:
:laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7:
Bob is super funny with his dry sense of humor, and Leary was just freakin' hilarious, my favorite comic of the 90's..