Focal Dystonia

TBurst Std

Hero Member
Curious if we have any here that deal with this. I have for years. Normally I can control it but with some recent stress, I found myself this weekend unable to fully bring my A game. In fact it was so bad I could barely feed myself with a fork.

Anyone else deal with it and what do you do other than all the standard stuff they prescribe. I know Victor Wooten and Scott Devine deal with this.
It's not something, fortunately, that I have personal experience of. Though perhaps if it is stress that triggers it, if possible try to avoid too much stress (which sometimes may not be easy), go for walks and so on and unwind as much as possible.

@TBurst Std I hope it is going better for you now.
i am plagued by shakes, never heard it called dystonia, i cant hold a solder iron, but can still play a bunch of chords, is that what glenn campbell had ? he could still play up to the end.
TBurst ... sorry to hear ... is there anything one can do to avoid this, and what do you do after you got it? I'm imagining it has something to do with over use, so maybe switch for a while to harmonica, you can use a strap and don't even need your hands, or maybe something with a different action like keyboard? Or maybe something with softer strings like a banjo?

I know it sucks not being able to play. I'm still getting full function back from broken finger, and it's been 9 months now. I gotta really concentrate to make it work, so with all things there is hope. Hang in there bro'.
Oh I can still play, but this episode severely impacted me.

A some what quick back story: I was a pro musician back in the early 80s. I suffered a significant injury to my left hand. Being left handed at the time, my initial focus was not only finding a new career, but also learning to write as well as be right handed. Between the excercises I did to rehab my left hand, and learning to be right handed (and those related activities), I developed this condition.

It is manageable 99% of the time, but stress makes this worse. Having being informed my position was eliminated last week, needless to say tons of stress. Stress was high.

Last Thursday’s performance was good and solid. (I was still in shock mode as I was informed Wed evening). By the weekend the shock wore off and dystonia took control on my weekend performances.

Left hand not so bad, but my right was a disaster. But heh I still got some compliments. Myself, I view I could only bring at best my C game, at times, D game.

What humbles you is not being able to
simple things, like feed yourself without a bib.
I am sorry that you are experiencing health trouble. I think anyone over 50 can most likely relate in some way. Hope things will improve soon for you!
Soft-stringed instruments, like all banjo, might indeed be a good option during recovery. Perhaps using lighter gauge strings or even trying a different tuning could ease the strain.
It’s not a strain item. Focal Dystonia is a neurological issue where impacted areas tremor, convulse etc. the true cause is not known and there is no cure, or remedy. It’s most often associated with those with fine, minute repetitive motions such as artists, musicians and delicate surgery doctors.

As with most muscle issues, a dose of alcohol can mediate it LOL.

In my case, the lighter the motion and/or weight impacts it more. IE I can pick up a 25 lb item and handle it no issue, but using a fork to feed myself is sometimes and exercise in futility. Forget about soldering when it acts up. Stress and anxiety heightens the issue.
As with most muscle issues, a dose of alcohol can mediate it LOL.

Ain't nothin' like gettin' liquored up to perform at a church.

But anyway - I'm sorry you are afflicted with the yips this way. I wish you the best in your quest to manage it.
It’s not a strain item. Focal Dystonia is a neurological issue where impacted areas tremor, convulse etc. the true cause is not known and there is no cure, or remedy. It’s most often associated with those with fine, minute repetitive motions such as artists, musicians and delicate surgery doctors.

As with most muscle issues, a dose of alcohol can mediate it LOL.

In my case, the lighter the motion and/or weight impacts it more. IE I can pick up a 25 lb item and handle it no issue, but using a fork to feed myself is sometimes and exercise in futility. Forget about soldering when it acts up. Stress and anxiety heightens the issue.
Good thing in can be handled by alcohol.