Moving to Montana


Mythical Status
Well, I have not moved to Montana to be a dental floss tycoon, but I am in the process of moving back to the UK to be closer to family and friends.

I should be in the new place in about a week and hopefully, my guitars and stuff arrive intact :cool: đź––


Well, I have not moved to Montana to be a dental floss tycoon, but I am in the process of moving back to the UK to be closer to family and friends.

I should be in the new place in about a week and hopefully, my guitars and stuff arrive intact :cool: đź––


Never hurts to have more family close if they are cool.
Good luck! Let us know when you get back there safe and sound. Moving is always stressful, though exciting. Make sure you get enough rest.
Never hurts to have more family close if they are cool.

They are, and I am looking forward to reconnecting to a place near to where I grew up.
Good luck! Let us know when you get back there safe and sound. Moving is always stressful, though exciting. Make sure you get enough rest.

I travelled to the UK via overnight ferry and arrived here this morning, the sea was very calm. Staying near family until next week. I am exhausted and as a widower, it is an extra challenge. I should be able to catch up on sleep now.
The part of moving I hate the most is packing... and unpacking

That is also a challenge. And the removal guys finished part of it, so some things I will be wondering where they are for a while.
Ooops ... my country won't allow that youtube video. What's the name of the song?
I saw the post title and was going to ask where in MT. I lived in MT for a while north of Whitefish and Glacier National Park.
Lots of logistics involved with such a big move, as I well know. Being an explorer at the furthest outpost of the realm has its charm, but being close to family again will bring many blessing of its own. Good luck with all of it @stratamania.
Lots of logistics involved with such a big move, as I well know. Being an explorer at the furthest outpost of the realm has its charm, but being close to family again will bring many blessing of its own. Good luck with all of it @stratamania.

Thanks so much, Aaron. There has been a lot of logistics to sort out and some still ahead. đź–– đź––(y)

I will be closer to family I will be able to spend time with more often. Although, I still have family in Europe and the US.

Home, perhaps, the final frontier.