No Floyd Nut Prep Option on Showcase necks?


Senior Member
Sorry if this has been discussed already since the new website has went live.  But, I'm noticing that there isn't an option for FR nut prep listed on any of the necks I've looked at.  It gives several options for different nut/nut materials, LSR, etc.. but no FR options.  What gives?
Floyd Rose was generally an option on Modern construction necks only - and 10 - 16" radius. Though I also do not see it as an option on showcase necks that I just took a look at.

So it is either a bug or it has become a custom order only option. Aaron or someone else from Warmoth will have to comment on this one.
stratamania said:
Floyd Rose was generally an option on Modern construction necks only - and 10 - 16" radius. Though I also do not see it as an option on showcase necks that I just took a look at.

So it is either a bug or it has become a custom order only option. Aaron or someone else from Warmoth will have to comment on this one.

Yeah, haven't heard anything about it from "official" sources so no biggie.  The Screamin' Deals neck allow for the Floyd Nut prep, but nothing in the showcase.  Not even the modern tiltback, like the Arcade/Jackson style necks allow for Floyd Prep which is right up the Floyd Rose alley.

Oh well, got me to thinking about doing Floyd Rose nut prep myself and saving a little money in the process (since the price has gone up on them).  I've done a few with a wonky "thrown together" type of system that worked, but I finally built myself a proper jig and I'll just cut them here.   
Yo as a floyd afficiando this is weird,. Tn-14916 allows it but Sn- 30113 doesnt. whats the #dealio. straight up Makin' my brain itch
BroccoliRob said:
Yo as a floyd afficiando this is weird,. Tn-14916 allows it but Sn- 30113 doesnt. whats the #dealio. straight up Makin' my brain itch

Maybe Birdseye is a requirement for Floyd Nut Prep these days??  :dontknow:

Don't see many peeps lining up to put a Floyd on a Tele though, so yeah... a bit weird.
Floyd Prep is possible in the showcase under these conditions:

  • Modern Construction
  • Straight headstock (IOW, it is not available on Tiltbacks)
That second one makes Strat replacement necks a problem. On the old site the Tiltback Strat neck was its own product. On the new site it has been rolled into the Strat neck as a construction option. Because you can opt for Straight or Tiltback on a single product, offering the FR nut option gets trickier, and can't use the same logic as all the other necks.

This is why you guys are seeing the FR nut option on Tele replacement necks, and CBS necks, but not Strat, Warhead, or others where Tiltback is an option.

I've made it available again on Strat necks, since many people have asked about it. There may be the odd Tiltback Strat neck that comes through the showcase that will get incorrectly offered the FR nut prep, and we will have to deal with those as they come up....until we can get a fix done.
Got it.. makes sense then. 

After I saw the Tele neck that BRob had pointed out, I checked some of the other Tele necks and they all had the Floyd Option too.  I just couldn't fathom why you could get a Tele neck with Floyd prep and not a Strat. LOL
When I found out my first child was going to be a boy, I wanted to name him Floyd.  If our second was a girl, it would be Rose.  But, my wife used her veto power.  Probably for the best