NPD! Well, within the last week or so....


Hero Member
So, I've been indulging my pedal addiction again. I was using the parametric EQ in my M5 modeler, and I liked having the ability to fine tune my tone, but because I was leaving it on most of the time, that meant I couldn't use it for other functions. So, I started looking around for a stand alone unit. I looked at the MXR 6 & 10s, and the Boss GE-7. All a little noisy, and I wasn't fond of having to play with all the sliders.

Then I happened upon the Earthquaker Devices "Tone Job", EQ with Boost. Only four knobs: Bass, Mid, Treble, and Level. It's kind of like having a Hi-Fi preamp on your board. Cut or boot the BMT levels, and control the overall volume with the Level. For me, it's much easier to get the EQ I'm looking for. Compared to the others, it's is very quiet, although certainly not silent at higher boost levels.

The only thing I didn't like about the Tone Job, was the LED. Damn, that thing is frigg'n bright! I turned off the lights one night before I hit the pedal board switch. It was like I left a night light on! (Yes, I'm exaggerating a little, but not all that much.) Not a deal breaker by any means, but something had to be done. I tried a piece of frosted tape, but it looked kinda tacky, and it didn't do such a great job anyway. So, I ordered some low profile, blue snap in LED lenses. Cut off the little clip feet that are used for panel mounting, and slipped one over the little bugger. Perfection. Sung fit, but can still be removed if necessary. Now I have a nice, moderately bright,  blue LED on a blue pedal. EQ nirvana has been achieved!
Quick pic of the LED mod for your viewing pleasure.
I've always wondered why MXR didn't do something about the noise their EQ pedals make. Yhey've been that way since day one. It makes them nearly useless. Congrats on the Tone Job!