The Corvette - way too many pics!

Fat Pete

Hero Member
Got tired of waiting for good light to coincide with opportunity and took a bunch of pictures anyway. Some are even in focus. Apologies for the 'art'...






















WOW! That looks GREAT! I remember prepping that body before it shipped and really liked the natural masked binding! I'm not a Tele guy but this did give me a mind full of ideas! Congrats!
Thanks to you and all at Warmoth for the superb quality and service. Busy 'making arrangements' for the next one.
That is awesome!! I'm not too hip on the "Wood and Paint By" part but overall, total thumbs up on this one.
mullyman said:
That is awesome!! I'm not too hip on the "Wood and Paint By" part but overall, total thumbs up on this one.
I think the opposite.  The small touch like that is great.

I very rarely say this, so know that it's significant: Nice looking tele!
AutoBat said:
mullyman said:
That is awesome!! I'm not too hip on the "Wood and Paint By" part but overall, total thumbs up on this one.
I think the opposite.  The small touch like that is great.

I very rarely say this, so know that it's significant: Nice looking tele!

I love the tiny Warmoth logo though. Hey, if we all liked the same thing this world would really be boring. Still a great looking guitar. I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers.
Totally missed the Warmoth logo the first 20 times I looked through these pics. Great job by the way the guitar looks spectacular.    :rock-on:
Thanks all! I'm really happy with how it's turned out.

ಠ_ಠ said:
That amp is sooooooooooo sexilicious.

Thanks for that too - though it's just a speaker cab. If I ever get round to finishing the amp head, you'll probably like that as well.
That is one gorgeous instrument! Normally, I don't care for Tele headstocks, but that one would have been wrong without it. Just a beautiful piece!
Fat Pete said:
Thanks all! I'm really happy with how it's turned out.

ಠ_ಠ said:
That amp is sooooooooooo sexilicious.

Thanks for that too - though it's just a speaker cab. If I ever get round to finishing the amp head, you'll probably like that as well.

Sweet! Got any current pics of the head?
Cagey said:
That is one gorgeous instrument! Normally, I don't care for Tele headstocks, but that one would have been wrong without it. Just a beautiful piece!
Thanks! Strangely enough I've been thinking about putting a Strat neck on its upcoming sibling.
ಠ_ಠ said:
Fat Pete said:
Thanks all! I'm really happy with how it's turned out.

ಠ_ಠ said:
That amp is sooooooooooo sexilicious.

Thanks for that too - though it's just a speaker cab. If I ever get round to finishing the amp head, you'll probably like that as well.

Sweet! Got any current pics of the head?

It's still just a chassis pulled out of a combo at the moment...
I think right from the Just Out of the Box thread, we all knew this was going to be a bit special, but that doesn't lessen the impact one bit now it's done. It is flat-out stunning. You must be delighted. Superb work.
guitarburks said:
Beautiful guitar! What kind of pickups?

The attention to detail is impressive.


The pickups are from Catswhisker Pickups, a one-man UK maker. There's info about these ones - T-Bucker bridge and F-Bird neck - on his site. Highly recommended.
Hey Fat Pete I knew if I hunted a bit I would find it. After seeing your comment in the GOTM I had to see some better pics of your beautiful Tele. Nice work! She is amazing. One day I am gonna have to build me up one. May the juggernaut role on :laughing3: