The upgrade and modding gravy train...


Mythical Status
I was just pricing out some pickups for a possible upgrade / mod to a Fender I have had for about ten years.

Lace Sensor golds about €168 which seems a good value for a set of pickups. I then thought why not get a new pickguard, pots, cap and Freeway selector switch so I can wire up a new pickguard assembly and swap it out with the old one and keep that intact. Suddenly it is now €314 or thereabouts.

Its then getting close to a third of the price I paid for the guitar about a decade a go. If I swap out the bridge and tuners also then I would probably be looking at around €600 retail for parts...

Perhaps I leave it as it is...anyone had a similar experience?
LOL , just think, double that amount, lookup some deals in the show case and just build another guitar.
TBurst Std said:
LOL , just think, double that amount, lookup some deals in the show case and just build another guitar.

Well there is a thought.  :laughing7:
Have I noticed the price of things going up?  Nah, can't say I have.  :icon_jokercolor:  Seriously though ... It took me until about 40 years-old to realize that the prices of things will always go up.  It's the system.  Only place I saw prices go down was in Japan, and that sucked just as bad as prices going up.  Whatever ...

I like Tb's idea, just build a new one!
I don't think the parts have gone up that much recently. Just when I think back that my first Strat I bought new in the 70s cost me less than some pickups cost now, gives pause for thought.
Well by gosh if things are going up that much, double your profit and build 2 new ones LOL
So the motto is more guitars...yikes the kitchen will have to be converted to make room  :laughing7:
You have more than one Phillips head screwdriver, right?

The right tool for the job designates that you have a versatile toolbox full of tools to serve a variety of purposes.

Instruments are no different.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
You have more than one Phillips head screwdriver, right?

The right tool for the job designates that you have a versatile toolbox full of tools to serve a variety of purposes.

Instruments are no different.

I have several Phillips head screwdrivers. I even have some that I dedicate to guitar work.

Actually I might use these parts as a basis for a new build. I have a spare Warmoth neck that I need to re fret so there is that.