Why are there so many robots looking at this website?


Epic Member
I just checked the visitors section and I saw most of the visitors are robots? What are the robots looking for and why are they here? Wouldn't they be better off looking at a bank or something? I'm sure they aren't nefarious, but what are they doing? Are they like those face mites?
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I just checked the visitors section and I saw most of the visitors are robots? What are the robots looking for and why are they here? Wouldn't they be better off looking at a bank or something? I'm sure they aren't nefarious, but what are they doing? Are they like those face mites? Or Scabies?
That is spooky!
They are acquiring data, and trying to make sense of it, so they can in turn sell stuff to us.

To that end, it behooves us to be as random as possible :)
There's not a bit of Lorem Ipsum here!

... they are looking for data to monetize, wow! Thanks Trevor.

I will be random like the River Ganges.
They are trying to Create the Cyber Guitar God and are gathering all useful information here 😉
Conceptually, the eradication of mischievous dungtoys will leave room for carnivorous dust mites to proliferate. Man.
I guess that explains why every commercial I see is about guitars. It would be a better world if the only commercials were about guitars for everyone , sadly the bot overlords won't allow this.
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What I find funny is I get ads for STUFF THAT I JUST BOUGHT!! :unsure:

Sorry bots, don't need a second pack of 100 Nerf darts :)