Am I crazy...


Hero Member
For liking the overall design of this?

I'm not too keen on the White Falcon colour scheme, but I like everything else about it.  I'd probably swap the P90s for buckers of some sort, and maybe replace trapeze with a Bigsby.

I suppose it really just comes down to a 33x body combined with a Firebird neck that I like...
You don't like the color scheme, you don't like the pickups, you don't like the hardware... tell me again why you're looking at this?

There's no shortage of 300 series clones out there. Surely you can find one that trips your trigger without so much compromise.
Dave Grohl's is based on the Trini Lopez, and is probably closer to what I'd do myself, although with a traditional Firebird peg head orientation.  Either way, I'm not about to go out and buy one, it was more of an"I've been awake for 30hrs and at work for 14hrs" moment of GAS.