

Senior Member
This week I discovered the Dan Armstrong strat wiring, and I will absolutely build a new 3 pickup toy for it. Here's where I want some opinions. I'm thinking either a hybrid strat with 3 tele pickups or a WGD with 3 P90s. What say you?
I'm quite fond of a 3 P90 SG myself. And that would mean the Diamondback in this case. But of the two you mention I would go for the Strat.

And by the way, what is a Dan Armstrong strat wiring?
One compelling thing about this wiring is there's no new parts needed with a strat setup, just changes to where leads go.
There's lots on youtube.
It turns one of the tones into some kind of blend. With that on 0, it's standard strat faire. On 10, it adds the middle pup in series or parallel depending on switch pos.