Decade box recommendations?


Senior Member
I watched this youtube video where Lindy Fralin is using a Decade box (never heard of these before) to test different capacitor values on his pickups.  This looks like a fun tool. Since I'm assembling a few different pick guards with different pickups, to swap in and out of my Strat, I'd love to have one of these boxes to easily test the pickups I am using. So does anyone here have a Decade box that is cheap, under $100, and accurate that they would like to recommend. I can't read who makes the one Lindy is using in the video
It is an Eico capacitance decade box, if you do a google search you might find one for sale on Ebay, Reverb or somewhere.

Thanks. Seems those have become collectors items. But I was able to find another make that is reasonable priced.
Why not make something to do something similar?

A quick google search and I found this.