Ebony/Red flame HSH build


Hero Member
Been using Warmoth parts for a while to constantly keep changing my guitars... and finally decided to post pictures of my recent build. I might have a gone a little overboard on that one...

It started when Warmoth re-stocked their showcase with 2-piece ebony necks this summer.
I was aiming for an all-black Strat, but I let the idea sit for several months, it's only last month that a red chambered Strat body showed up in the showcase and that seemed like a good match for the neck.

Hardware is a mix of ruthenium (tuner, strap locks) and cosmo black (neck + audio plates, Wilkinson bridge), both finishes turned out to be pain to locate but overall I really like the look of those parts.

I thought about getting Lace Duallys + middle Chrome Dome pickups but was too impatient to complete the build and found SD P-Rails triple shot humbuckers and Dimarizo 61 pickup in local shops. The array of tone configurations is fairly overwhelming but I end up mostly using the series, P90, or parallel configuration of the P-Rails.

Now, let's hope I don't come up with another build idea for those bocote necks they recently put in the showcase....


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That will do very nicely!  Great looking axe, and I'm sure you're the only kid on your block with anything like it.  Great choices all around.

Good lord that's b-you-tea-fool! And that neck – gorgeous. Would love to give it a spin. How's it sound?
Thanks all, I like the sound of the one so far!

I was at first disappointed with positions 2 & 4 which were extremely weak, it turned out the P-Rails and DiMarzio were out of phase and reversing the +/- on the DM got things back to normal. I assumed there was a convention or the polarity between manufacturers...

I was't familiar with HSH pickups when I started this one, and it took couple weeks searching for various pickups/audio clips and all that 'agonizing' stuff.
I considered DiMarzio Vai Evo, Alumitones (discarded those early on because they were too light to be paired with the already light body and heavy neck), Lace Dually +Chrome Dome, and eventually settled on P-Rails with Triple Shots which were available locally.
I liked not having to add extra switches to the body or push pull pots and yet get so many (too many) configurations.

BTW I had a hard time finding meaningful audio clips with Alumitones, does anyone have experience using the humbucker ones ?

The next one with be a Regal, I already have the neck and Warmoth is finishing the body.
I tried putting a veneer on the peghead the last couple days and failed miserably so I'll just use black or clear lacquer for the headstock...
Unfortunately I haven't had too much time to play it plugged in yet as I've been out of town most week-ends lately and usually come back home too late in the evenings to plug it in.
I'll let you know once I finally can spend enough time with it.
docteurseb said:
Unfortunately I haven't had too much time to play it plugged in yet as I've been out of town most week-ends lately and usually come back home too late in the evenings to plug it in.
I'll let you know once I finally can spend enough time with it.

Yeah, will be interesting to know what you think.
I have a Fender Strat with 2 Area-67s (neck & middle), but my Warmoth Strat has a Area-61 middle and Injector neck. I really like that combination, along with the Duncan Screamin' Demon at the bridge. Lots of versatility with standard wiring/switching and no hum.
Not that I played the guitar a whole lot more since last time (in the process of building a Regal as well as a small 1x10 amp cabinet) but I'm quite happy with the pickup combination after all. The volume is quite balanced and Strat-like between the middle pickup and the humbuckers split or in paralle.
I mostly find myself using those humbuckers in series or parallel though, so the triple shots are a bit overkill for me but still a convenient way to avoid putting couple push-push/pull tone pots.
That's HOT!  Looks like you could burn yourself on it.  :eek:ccasion14: :evil4: