More Short Scale Bass Bodies

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'd kill for the chance at tweaking a Mustang bass. I also feel that a Diamondback would do well too.
Ah! A Mustang bass. I would definitely get one of those if they did it for a short scale. I would love it.
Androidred0100 said:
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'd kill for the chance at tweaking a Mustang bass. I also feel that a Diamondback would do well too.

+1 on both. (Do I mean +2? No.)
Although a Mustang bass would be cool I'm happy there are so many short scale options to choose from as it is. Both guitars and basses.
Here to bump this and add my upvote to more short scale bass options. I'd love to build a custom Mustang / Musicmaster or Jazzmaster style bass with all the lovely Warmoth customization options.

Edit - added Jazzmaster since it's already offered as a standard body, maybe that would be an easier product addition to make a short scale version.