Neck Single Coil for EVH Frankenstein Bridge


Hero Member
Many of you have vastly more experience with the Seymour Duncan range of pickups than I do. All my strat single coils are very vintage type output, vintage voiced. I have a strat with the EVH Frankenstein humbucker in the bridge. I think it has an interesting voicing and I don't play VH or hard rock on it. So for blues etc. what noise canceling Seymour Duncan do you think would make a good match for a two pickup iteration of that guitar? What would be in the ballpark for output but not a metal pickup, something that has a voicing that is very strat neck pickup? Any suggestions are helpful in getting started in a direction. Many thanks.
I'd forget Duncan altogether and install a Dimarzio Injector neck pickup. I have one in one of my guitars, and intend to put one in my next build.
No experience with SD singles, but do use, and am a fan of Lace Sensor pups.  Very quiet and come in a variety of different voicings.
I don't have an HB in the bridge, but I do have SD noiseless pups in my Strat. There's an STK-S4 in the neck and middle, and an STK-S6 in the bridge. I don't play metal at all, mainly clean tones, and I love the STK's. And noiseless is definitely a check mark on the plus side.