Never clench your buttocks around police officers!

Yep, let's go with weird since this is an expressly non-political forum.

Because if this were a political forum, I would expand at length on the ridiculous degree to which over-militarized cops and the War on Drugs and the War on Terror have essentially made your run-of-the-mill beat cop think he can do whatever he wants to anyone and can concoct probable cause after-the-fact.

But in this forum, yeah, sucks to be THAT dude named Ramirez in a border state.

Re the thread title: I don't have the strength necessary to clench my buttocks around an entire police officer.
Jumble Jumble said:
Re the thread title: I don't have the strength necessary to clench my buttocks around an entire police officer.

Well played, sir.  Well played.

Jumble Jumble said:
Re the thread title: I don't have the strength necessary to clench my buttocks around an entire police officer.
:toothy12: My belly laugh for the Day!  :eek:ccasion14: