Pics of Warmoth K-Vs?


Junior Member
Been scratching around online for pictures of Warmoth K-V projects... i've found a few photos via Google and the Warmoth customer build pages, but i'd like to see more. 

I'll soon be building my own shredder - i'd love to use K-V body shape for this role, but i'm yet to be convinced I should go this route over a more conservative strat-style shred machine.  The K-V is obviously a little different to the Jackson King V (which I love), and i'm yet to be enamoured by the proportions of the Warmoth alternative... that said, i've found very few photos to make a fair assessment.

What i'd really like to see is photos of a K-V body with a contoured heel - the standard heels look a bit blocky and odd, but again, it might just be the photos.  If anyone can offer up some decent-sized full body pics from all angles i'd be most appreciative.
Gee... I know Warmoth V's are a rare choice, but not even a single slinger out there?

Do Warmoth employees frequent this forum often?  I wonder if they'd be willing to dig out a few pics from their files?