Sanding between coats vs not


Hero Member
i started spraying this Stewart Mac clear gloss lacquer on my Tele neck and despite being like 30 degrees (f) on my patio it seems to be sprayin 'n' stickin just fine and making my home smell delicious.

i've just been laying two coats a day on for the last 3 days and its going on very evenly so i have not sanded between coats.

I'll probably be #fine, yeah? jus do a some graduated sanding in like 2 weeks when it fully hards and buff with some car polish?

BTW rolling fretboard edges is easy af. i rolled the the edges up till the 12th fret cuz I think a li'l extra wood from that point on mihjt be good. If not, lol I'll roll them too when I feel like it
First off - if it's cold out, outgassing of the finish will take a lot longer. Don't sand until it's cured and hard. I've done thousands of finishes, and you must sand once in awhile to keep it smooth. Depends on what you are shooting, and how it's going on. As a general rule - I lightly sand every 5 coats or so. You don't need it completely dull, but close works better to give the next coats some tooth. In your final coats, use less pressure and finer cutting paper (or even scotchbrite). I used to shoot a mix of retarder and thinned lacquer for my final coats to get it to flow out (which minimizes the final color sanding). Let it dry hard before final buffing - at least 3 weeks.

Also, on rolling edges.... that's done BEFORE fretting. Is your neck fretted already?
Thanks, adrian BROdy. Yeah, it's the Tele neck from the 'out of the box' thread. I just scraped the corners of the fretboard in between the frets with an exacto knife to remove the hard corner edge, and then just used some sandpaper to round it over. easy. i did it while watching classic sports blooper videos on youtube and then my friend Todd came over and I was like "talk to the booty cause the hands are off duty" and he said "what?" and I said "i'm busy" and he left.

I taped off the FB and have just been spraying the headstock and shaft out on my patio and then taking it inside and putting it on my dresser (balanced face down on the fretboard tape over some coasters) near a window with the ceiling fan on. so far so good. TBH (to be honest) i could probably be happy playing it right now, this StewMac spray is way better than hardware store spray. it feels like there's so much in the can. it's a heavy can. maybe i'll scotchbrite it soon to lightly level it, but it still feel remarkably smooth (i am remarking on it now) after six thin coats. the can says to wait like 12-16 days for it to finally cure hard, so perhaps i'll wait longer do to the cold and the winter.