UPDATE Page 3: Ash and Purpleheart Strat! Finally!

That is bad ass. I usually don't like black guitars but that is one bad looking mammy fammy.
mammy fammy is my clean way to say mother f......
So that is definantly Gloss Black??? I see they also offer a satin black.......It appears to look different than the bodies I see in the show case, it almost appears to have a satin glow to it.....I am impressed for sure, Im thinking the show case dosn't do the black bodies justice, I think you got some great lighting when you took your pics for sure....Im glad as I love the David Gilmour looking strat that is in the strat gallery under "Black Strat build" but it wasn't painted by Warmoth so Its nice to see a nice close up of black for future reference.
I have to say its quite unreal that Fender is asking 3000 to 4000 grand for a simple black strat (Gilmour Strat) when through Warmoth you can build an Identical possibly superior strat without the fender sticker for less than half that price.
I have scoured the net and every guitar company out there and no matter how I shake it, I just cannot justify paying what it would cost me for a guitar of the quality I want. Warmoth is still the only company I feel secure and worthy enough to put my money in. The features are endless and the quality tops......You've definantly got yourself a nice guitar. :icon_thumright:
I keep coming back and looking at this. I have to say that the natural binding and the little bit of wood showing through the F-hole really gives this guitar a killer look to it. I may consider something like this in the future.
Superbeast520 said:
So that is definantly Gloss Black?

yep! definitely gloss, you can see yourself in it (or could if i polished it up). you can definitely tell since i captured my own feet in the picture haha it was hard to get a picture where the body wasn't basically a mirror because it was so glossy. and i think i made the right choice in black because it looks great with the purpleheart neck and ebony board. i think most solid colors would look a little strange with the purple neck.

mullyman said:
I keep coming back and looking at this. I have to say that the natural binding and the little bit of wood showing through the F-hole really gives this guitar a killer look to it. I may consider something like this in the future.

hell yeah, man! it's probably the most simple design you can have (besides a one pickup guitar) but it's got pretty much everything i need. might end up changing the neck to a true p90 someday, but for now i really appreciate the hum canceling, and it gives a great contrast next to the super distortion in the bridge.
The virtual P90 looks really cool......does it mimic a P90 or is it purely cosmetic??? also ....did you have to get a special pickup route for it or is it just a standard Warmoth humbucker route in the neck position???    I also dig the single volume knob as well, and the P90 in the neck is a nice touch.  :)
Superbeast520 said:
The virtual P90 looks really cool......does it mimic a P90 or is it purely cosmetic?

it's actually a p90 sized humbucker. it's definitely still got the dark and deep tone of a classic p90, but it hum cancels (which is great since the bridge is maybe a little too bright for some stuff i'm playing). so it fit right into warmoth's p90 route.

i kind of modeled this guitar off of a gibson BFG. which was kind of funny because the BFG was my dream guitar when i ordered all the parts, but by the time i ended up putting this guitar together i already owned a real gibson BFG haha but i really prefer this guitar. the LP was uncomfortable to me, and really cut into my ribs. i didn't mind it for short periods of time, but it was ONLY comfortable sitting down. the strat body is probably the most comfortable guitar body out there (in my opinion) and i prefer the 25.5" scale, too.
I totally know what you mean, Thats why I havn't bought a Gibson, every time Im trying different guitars I eventually pick up a strat, after that theres just no going back. I started on strats and for better or worse I just can't break from that.
I recently was looking at the Jackson SLS3 and seriously considered buying it, neck thru the body, Mahogany, 59 seymour duncans, on paper it seemed like the perfect combo, but nope, I couldn't get myself to break from tradition and the Strat. It just kept bothering me that it wasn't an authentic strat, and lucky for me, as I checked out a ton of reviews on Harmony Central, and though it sounded like a perfect combo, it was lacking in the most important areas of "tone and character", something strats are known for in spades (as well as Gibsons and PRS) I just couldn't let go of the comfort  and tone that a Strat offers.
QUANTUM VIEW on the way. new parts incoming. oh man, i'm excited for this one.

due in on the 19th  :evil4:
I still think you should have used a barrel knob :(

but anyways.. Skitkul fjoltarfjøl, as we say in norwegian!
It means something like "awesome piece of wood with strings atatched"
UPDATE! New Neck

i ordered this thing a while back and it seemed like forever getting here, but was most likely 6 weeks or so. VERY happy with it! i'm usually pretty vocal about how much i dislike birdseye, so it's kind of funny that i've got some nice birdseye figuring :icon_biggrin: but it's already starting to grow on me. i was never a huge fan, but it didn't bother me when i owned my wolfgang (all made with birdseye necks, obviously). so yes, it's a superwide. and it's awesome. i don't have super large hands, but wider necks have really been more comfortable for me. i can play my seagull for hours without getting much hand fatigue. i wish it had come in a different back contour! standard thin only unfortunately. i really wanted an electric neck that would mimic my acoustic's. Seagull is known for having very wide necks, and i think this one is actually a bit larger.

anyway, enough talk. pictures!





compared to the acoustic





wider at both the nut AND 12th fret!


anyway i'm very excited. the guitar's getting a few new parts. new neck obviously. along with some new ferrules (chrome this time) since i really butchered the ferrule installation last time. you can kind of tell in one of the pictures on the 1st page i think. they're all over the place. as well as a Dimarzio Air Norton bridge. the super distortion sounds awesome in the ash body, but it doesn't match all that well with the virtual p-90. i haven't heard a clip of that pickup in the bridge position yet, so i'm excited for that as well! and hopefully (not now) one day i'll have a piezo system in it. it's simplicity with only one knob just kind of begs for me to put in a piezo with a volume knob. anyway, there it is! new assembled pictures coming soon!
Patrick said:
sorry if i missed something but whats going to happen with the purpleheart neck?

selling it. i love the feel of the purpleheart, and it's a surprisingly light neck, but i'm just not connecting with it for some reason. i want to say it's the standard thin back contour, but i love the feel of the standard thin maple neck on my tele deluxe. anyway, hopefully selling through local craigslist or here on the board sometime. i want to weigh it and get a ton of good pictures before i put it up for sale though. plus i can't remember what i bought it for, so i'm still trying to come up with a reasonable asking price
Swapping out a Purpleheart neck for Maple!? :tard: :icon_scratch: :sad:  :sad1: :dontknow:
line6man said:
Swapping out a Purpleheart neck for Maple!? :tard: :icon_scratch: :sad:  :sad1: :dontknow:

i know :icon_biggrin: it's blasphemy on this site to dislike anything exotic. but like i said, it's just not for me. plus it'll get me some money for this christmas' project: a floyd rose strat. if it were ready for a floyd nut then i might consider keeping it even with the small radius. but it's not so it's gotta go.
Love the figuring on the headstock, man. And don't worry about blaspheming exotic woods for the neck. I'm a maple guy too.
although I'm very very curious about an unfinished ebony neck and fingerboard.
mullyman said:
although I'm very very curious about an unfinished ebony neck and fingerboard.

me too. very interested in that. i remember seeing one in the warmoth showcase. MAN i wish i had saved those pictures
Very interesting notes on the neck widths and your preferences, I like playing acoustic alot as well, which is why I think I took so well to the fatback necks, keep us posted on your observations using the superwide.  :icon_thumright:
it's awesome! i love it. hard to get used to. it's definitely forcing me to play more carefully and cleaner. the first thing i had to do was cut my fingernails. i literally needed to if i really wanted to dig in. it's a lot wider feeling than i expected (that's what she said) and i don't think thats a bad thing. just very different. and switching back to my other warmoth (with a 1 5/8" neck i believe) makes the other guitar's neck feel like a toothpick. it's slightly heavier than the old neck, but the guitar still balances pretty well while standing. it's got some ridiculously low action right now and feels GREAT. didn't change the pickup yet. i'm running off 2 or 3 hours of sleep today and really just wanted to get the neck on and have fun with it. the pickups will definitely be changing sometime soon, but not until these strings wear out.

pictures coming soon! most likely afternoon tomorrow. man, i'm glad i took this leap. if my hands were any smaller i think i'd have real problems though. acoustic-style songs feel great. slower cleaner parts feel amazing. fast runs and licks do not. will possibly soon when i get used to it. so far i'm loving it! expect a purpleheart/ebony neck in the For Sale section sometime soon-ish (you can PM me if you're really interested, or wait for detailed pictures and a weight when i get the ad up if you're really interested).





i think the new maple neck really sets the binding off. love the look, love the feel!