VIP in progress


Senior Member
I figured I should start a thread about my new build.
Here is the parts pre-assembled to determine pickup choice and get a feel for the guitar overall.

It kinda also helped determine the color too, oddly.

It's a chambered mahogany body withva 3a flamed maple short scale boatneck.


All gotoh parts will be used for cosmo black color. Emg 57/66tws in brushed black color too.

Color to come.
Here is the color


It's a variation on a faded firemist silver. This is pre clear coat.

I should see this next week sometime, hopefully.

Next up: assembly/completion.

It'll go away for a while to get a pro setup and fret polish.

The final will be the custom decal my wife is going to make for me. It'll gonna be a warmoth logo, unless I come up with something unique. I mean, it IS warmoth parts afterall.....
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nice work (y):cool: What equipment did you use for spray painting?
A professional guy in a shop. Lol.

Yes, he does some really nice stuff. Not just a "here are the colors I offer" kinda guy.
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My body is finished! It'll be shipping tomorrow.

A month took 2 months total. The guy who sprayed it had a run of guitars to do for a famous player.

I can't wait.

It'll be together this weekend.
It's done!

Sorry for the link. I still can't upload pics easily so i am linking to another forum where i can.

any port in a storm, right?

it turned out great. Its my third warmoth build and definetly on par with the other two. The spec suits the today me better than the other two, which suited the me of their build dates.

I know I've said that this was going to be my final build, but I'm now tossing around the idea of a 4th.
And that's it. I swear! Lol

Damn you warmoth! :cool:
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Gorgeous. Makes me very excited for my VIP order I just put in. Trans turquoise on mahogany, ivoroid binding, double humbucker. Mahogany + ebony Vortex neck with ivoroid binding.
Well, that's just gorgeous. Simple machine, very elegant. Congratulations!
Thank you sir.

I was going for a classic meets modern thing with this one.

I used to be all about figured wood and trans colors. I now prefer solid, more simple aesthetics, and add the "flair" with different and interesting colors.
To offset/counter that, I went with the figured neck.

I really nailed the perfect spec on this one. The neck is most definitely my favorite profile of all time. It's big, but plays smaller than you would think. I want to get one for my strat, and possibly my tele too.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if I do that, I could very possibly get down to just my 3 warmoths and sell everything else.
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Don't get me wrong, I still aim to build MORE partscasters.

Once I'm done with my friend's 12-string, I'll try to summon the gumption to dig into this one:
I'm down to three electrics, and they are all partscasters. I think I'm done with factory-built electric guitars.
Yeah, me too. It kinda spoils you, right?

I too have not ruled out additional partscasters.

The cool part is that my wife is on board!(y)