Warmoth Jam #12

Ima try... but (as I say all the time) I've only been playing part time for about 3 years, so my chops are, you know, suspect...
grabby said:
Ima try... but (as I say all the time) I've only been playing part time for about 3 years, so my chops are, you know, suspect...

Welcome!!! The more the merrier.  :hello2:

These Jam Tracks aren't about showing off or impressing others. They're about having fun & trying solos over different style tracks.

Believe me, I've played a few stinker solos on these tracks as well, but they were a lot of fun to do.
oh, sorry  :icon_jokercolor: I'm in. I was real preoccupied with the distribution of certain (ahem) breakfast foodstuffs . . . .
Talking of stinkers, here's my submission. It's been a long day, lol.

Full Mix

Just Me

Ditched the ol' GNX 4 and used my shiney new Overloud TH2 plugin for this one. Got a bit bogged down in all the tweaking though, it's an amazing sounding piece of software but I'm still learning it, plus I'm knackered. Right, there's my excuses done, who's next ?  :toothy11:
DUDE!!!! That was an awesome solo & the tone was really authentic.

I'm probably going to procrastinate for now & submit something by the weekend.
Doughboy said:
DUDE!!!! That was an awesome solo & the tone was really authentic.

I'm probably going to procrastinate for now & submit something by the weekend.

+1, test today and paper due on Thursday, so maybe I'll get to it Fri.
ok, here's my contribution. I wasn't really sure when I was supposed to cut out, so it just sort of fizzles . . . . lol

OK, this is my first attempt. As I said, just over 3 years. I would rather have taken 5-10 more takes, but I figured I have to publish something to get a stake in the ground for me to know that I can and will do it, ridicule and all...  :toothy11:

I'm not sure if these links will work for everyone, but here they are

Full mix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11268039/Warmoth/warmoth_blues_12_dmg.mp3
Guitar only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11268039/Warmoth/warmoth_blues_12_dmg_guitar.mp3

Since my Warmoth Tele has some wiring issues and I have a ruptured Achilles, it has not made it to the shop. I was left considering my Strats and my Ovation VXT. Since Doughboy already did a nice Strat sound, I figured I would go creamy warm neck humbucker on the VXT. This is recorded via Garageband with a fuzz pedal cranked way down and the Marshall Stack amp model. I miss my Egnater in the basement, but I can't get down there to play it...  :sad1:
grabby said:
OK, this is my first attempt. As I said, just over 3 years. I would rather have taken 5-10 more takes, but I figured I have to publish something to get a stake in the ground for me to know that I can and will do it, ridicule and all...  :toothy11:

I'm not sure if these links will work for everyone, but here they are

Full mix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11268039/Warmoth/warmoth_blues_12_dmg.mp3
Guitar only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11268039/Warmoth/warmoth_blues_12_dmg_guitar.mp3

Since my Warmoth Tele has some wiring issues and I have a ruptured Achilles, it has not made it to the shop. I was left considering my Strats and my Ovation VXT. Since Doughboy already did a nice Strat sound, I figured I would go creamy warm neck humbucker on the VXT. This is recorded via Garageband with a fuzz pedal cranked way down and the Marshall Stack amp model. I miss my Egnater in the basement, but I can't get down there to play it...  :sad1:

Cool solo!!! The tone reminds me of the Clapton 'Woman tone' that he used to get with his SG or 335.
Thanks man. I'm working it... The learning curve is strange - different from anything I have done before. Had to work harder to learn and improve but it's been more rewarding. The first year I did nothing - could play 'Horse with No Name' and that was about it. So I started in earnest about 2 years ago.
grabby said:
Thanks man. I'm working it... The learning curve is strange - different from anything I have done before. Had to work harder to learn and improve but it's been more rewarding. The first year I did nothing - could play 'Horse with No Name' and that was about it. So I started in earnest about 2 years ago.

It takes time to get going at 1st, but once you do, the learning curve gets easier for everything else from a certain point on.

When I started out, I couldn't even fret an F chord at the 1st fret. it was impossible. I almost quit a million times, but it got easier & easier.

& hey, Horse with No Name is a great song. Just remember "In the desert you can remember your name, 'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain"  :toothy10:
I've had zero time to sit down with this until just now, and I quickly realised I spoke too soon before. Blues really turns me off. Since I have nothing to contribute I'll sit this one out.
Same here Dougboy. I remember F and Bm being two chords that I would have to steer clear of for a while because they were too hard.  :icon_biggrin:
kböman said:
I've had zero time to sit down with this until just now, and I quickly realised I spoke too soon before. Blues really turns me off. Since I have nothing to contribute I'll sit this one out.

Well, I'm not a blues man by any stretch of the imagination, so I know what you mean. However, the cool thing about these jams is that we get to solo over different styles & step out of our comfort zones. We've have blues, rock, fusion, country, etc

I think you should reconsider & take a solo. I think I spent a grand total of 20 mins on mine, so there is still time to do one.
20 minutes??? Mine was my third take, so less than 10 for me...

But mine blows, so maybe that extra 10 mins makes the diff.